Public Health Issue of Contraceptives for Women

The topic within sexual health that I believe public health has ineffectively and negatively addressed is contraceptives for women. Although there are numerous options along with, what seems like, plenty of opportunities for women to get contraceptives easily, there have been and continue to be problems for specific aspects of it. Particularly universal access to contraception, effectiveness of usage, failure to improve stereotypes, also beyond simply contraception is how the reproductive health benefits regarding the health reforms preventive services requirement is overlooked.

The latest assessments indicate that there are around 19 million new cases of STIs every year, half of them among 15–24 years old, and that 65 million Americans have a minimum of one viral STI, most ordinarily genital herpes. Inclusion of STI counseling could lead to better clinician-patient correspondence regarding the matter of contraceptive use diminishing the STI problem. In 2008, a study found that merely 28% of women age 18–44 indicated having addressed STIs with a specialist or medical attendant in the previous three years, along with only 38% had reviewed their sexual history. Precise and prevalent statistics on the frequency and pervasiveness of these infections are sparse: The state and federal governments direct surveillance over only a few strains of STIs. With that being said, under reporting is an ongoing issue, limitedly extended to the fact that numerous infections go undiscovered.  This has become a serious issue, women receiving contraception is a necessity.

One of the most exceptionally announced arrangements of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is the requirement that most private health plans provide accessibility of contraception methods and guidance without extra costs for instance, copayments and deductibles. The ACA’s preventive administrations requirements incorporate an expansive list of services beyond past contraceptive care that are fundamental to the sexual and regenerative wellbeing of women. They incorporate screenings and immunization to prevent cervical cancer, advising and screenings to prevent HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), a wide scope of maternity care services, and the preventive care visits required for women to obtain these precautionary measures. Despite the reality that HPV is among the most widely acquired STIs, there are various others that affect Americans’ wellbeing and fecundity.

Research is concurrently necessary to improve comprehension of the explanations for the decision of a contraception technique, termination of its utilization and the purposes behind voids in method use, along with invalid and contradictory use. These combinations are predisposed to influence the uptake of new methods in addition to the utilization of existing, successful methods. While various reversible methods for contraception are accessible, modern strategies fall into merely three categories: barrier methods, hormonal methods, and intrauterine devices (IUD’s). All have their own disadvantages. Voids between use failure and method failure rates and discrepancies across subgroups are expanded for methods that require preeminent patient inclusion and methods over which patients have superlative command over use and continuation. Directly accessible barrier methods have moderately high failure rates, and adequacy relies upon precise and predictable use. The utilization of such methods is not simple: women dependent upon male condoms are overrepresented among women having abortions. Hormonal methods are accessible in various diverse delivery systems, some administration – such as inserts – make no requests on consistence. In spite of this, the most mainstream course of administration – oral contraception – relies intensely on consistence for viability.

Combined hormonal methods have been related with an acutely minute risk of cardiovascular ailments, along with breast and cervical cancer. On account of breast cancer, an insubstantial increase in relative risk for breast cancer among women below 40 years old has been inspected, yet the absolute risk is significantly low considering the possibility of breast cancer is so reduced. While the general danger of breast cancer across all age groups is surveyed, no expansion in danger is seen. Hence the discussion with respect to whether the detailed dangers are genuine proceeds. Regardless, if there is a genuine increment in disease risk, it is exceptionally low. Low-dose progestin-only methods are related with a high rate of irregular bleeding, and IUDs have verifiably been generally unpopular in the majority of advanced nations. Preservation rates are not a surrogate for adequacy, and adequacy doesn’t ensure use. Genuine fear of health risks and concern of side effects regularly lead to discontinuation or discourage numerous women from beginning any existing hormonal contraceptive methods.

Generally speaking, currently accessible methods have cessation rates approaching 50 percent following 1 year of utilization, typically on account of side effects. Women who keep utilizing a method frequently do so in contempt of the reactions, which they are prepared to endure as a byproduct of pregnancy prevention. All things considered, challenges with consistence and contraceptive suspension represent enormous quantities of unintended pregnancies. In fact, over half of the women acquiring abortions in the United States in 2000 professed to have been utilizing a method for contraception during the month that they became pregnant: 14 percent had been utilizing the contraceptive pill, and 28 percent had been utilizing the male condom.

Improvements in adequacy and reduction of the side effects cumulating because of the utilization of existing methods has progressed over the recent four decades, and new conveyance systems have additionally been created over that time. Still, efforts should remain expanding the range of satisfactory methods, their accessibility, and their viability, along with convenience. The American Public Health Association (APHA) 7704 policy statement accepts the universal right to contraception access in the United States and globally. The contraception advantages are critical to such an extent that widespread access to contraception is acknowledged universally as fundamental to human rights.

Most nations have not satisfied this right, with political and strict religious resistance dissolving access to existing services. Persistent obstructions to get to incorporate money related, geographical, brutality or struggle related, and sociocultural components. In consideration of these boundaries, just as contraceptive failure rates, statement 7704 supports the globally accepted human right to independent, educated, reasonable access to the full range of current contraception methods, including emergency contraception. Furthermore, it encourages all administrations, medical providers, and health financing systems to guarantee the privilege to contraception without exemptions, through administrations including extensive confirmation counseling, language interpretation, and referrals varying. If this can continue to be put into place more effectively it will positively impact women’s contraception.


  1. ACOG. “Access to Contraception.”  (2019).

  2. APHA. “Universal Access to Contraception.”  (2015).

  3. GPR. “Beyond Contraception: The Overlooked Reproductive Health Benefits of Health Reform’s Preventive Services Requirement.”  (2012).

  4. Research, Institute of Medicine Committee on New Frontiers in Contraceptive. “Improving Contraceptive Use and Acceptability.”  (2004).



