Issue of Rising PTSD in Police Officers


In today’s society an overwhelming problem is post-traumatic stress disorder or also know as PTSD. There are many cases documents around the world in the general public, quite a bit of fire fighters, and a far amount in our military for some reason or another. In the paper, police will be the main focus as PTSD is starting to become a rising problem. The police in most places are held to a higher standard, mainly due to the job itself and the actions that police perform. However, they are still human beings and can have the same emotional turmoil as everyone else. With the number of officers with PTSD climbing, police officers need to know that there is help out there for them, they don’t have to fight this fight alone and that things can get better if they want them too.

PTSD: In the Line of Duty

To most people when the topic of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD comes up the first thing to come to their minds is people in the military but in truth this is not the case. In fact, PTSD can affect any person that had gone through a shocking, frightening, or life threating event. When looking at the research there is a correlation amongst the everyday events performed by police officers or law enforcement in general and the overwhelming weight of chaos that they go through on a daily basis. This, however, can turn into problems since police officers are usually exposed for crucial incidents during their commitments to their normal duties. Police officers are constantly the witness to traumatic events during the normal duties of their job. From murders, police shooting, domestic violence, and even holding someone in their arms as they take their last breath, all of these things are seen regularly, and the memory of these evens are hard to just through away. Police also go out of their way to help most people without ever thinking of the ramification of how it will affect them afterwards. It was shown that, once police are brought to harm, they do not recall or attempt to track it in solitude regularly (Heffren and Hausdorf 2016).

The way of life is one that does not explicitly discuss questions of psychological wellbeing such as the manipulation of looks, and physical illnesses are even more instantly regarded (Soomro and Yanos, 2018). In the environment of police often place themselves, a very large number of authorities are seeing that all things considered are poor within seeking assistance or being sanely washed out. Police don’t accept that an honestly washed friend has something to protect them. In terms of how the officials are reliant and how close they should always be there, the police community wonders. An officer’s mode of use is comprehensive; he can be one person, independent and linked to what his place of work wants to be. The employer makes it clear that any need on the side of the psychological cap prohibits them from having a situation. Any moment, losing emotional or physical control could theoretically risk their call as a policeman. The police are essentially free, in the same sense, than the robust network of people with an unhealthy attitude, are as frequently as possible available to bosses when incidents with psychiatric protection are essential and are trapped into a daily duty system and intense crisis of stability (Desmarais et al. 2014).

In its structure, two kinds of drawbacks are usually taken into account: transparent frustration and self-dissatisfaction. Both are in contrast with the search for mental help (Corrigan 2004). The moment when the free man understands the nature of a reduced assembly is accessible shame. Self-stigmas are the disrespect that the all-inclusive community grasps by people from the scrutinized assembly mask (Corrigan 2004). To individual officers, one aspect symbolizes inappropriacy in going for support to psychological illness, but it also has a strong influence on how the program treats the policeman, or at certain times the workforce. Unit issues are typically never made aware of any kind of mental disorder which would prevent a person with activity to protect him or her and her friends. The element of people who are looking for assistance starts now at a low level. Failure to identify the psychological condition is a main constraint. Clearly 11–30% of citizens with optimistic wealth are asking for psychological help (White et al. 2015). That figure is morally alarming when you remember the officers who are not looking for help. It was shown that looking at help or conceivably calling for help in any case greatly helps these circumstances, when nobody expects to yield a problem, then the sum helps in no way because it will be a sluggish cycle. Exact findings show that both loving oneself and public shame were antagonistic to auras in the quest of psychological assistance (Karaffa and Koch 2015). The problem in the mental health situation in today’s culture is in any case extensively investigated, but the policy enforcement provisions are not debated without confusion. In a UK study, police are shown to be higher than the whole network in many situations with a greater post-traumatic stress disorder level of 13 % (Bell and Eski 2015).

In the textbook for Forensic Psychology, it says that “The police culture is a double-edged sword for those officers who choose to immerse themselves in it. It can bolster officers’ ability to physically protect themselves, but it can also contribute to an officer’s emotional decline (Harmening & Gamez, 2016).” Officials regularly adopt approaches that then emerge from substance abuse, wagering and exit from emotionally positive groups with people as a result of market stressors. Avoiding adjustment can then reveal entire agreement results which further intensify the hidden objectives behind the matter (Carlan and Nored 2008; Swatt et al. 2007). Specific tests indicate that wise company professionals (including cops) are defenseless to a higher and higher level of stupid thought and training. Interestingly, experimental results show that police are less likely than they are to miserably lose in a suicidal accident or homicide (Stanley et al. 2016). Post-traumatic stress disorder can aslo affect people, such as alcohol abuse and their comfortable mechanisms which therefore cause serious brain problems. The persistent negative mental and physical effects are related to police stressors. The emotional consequences are a mixture of depression, anxiety, PTSDs (Carlan and Nored 2008) and depressive and power problems. The police departments develop training groups to handle the critical incident pressure and provide support to cops involved in the vital incidents as part of a roadmap. Specialists in emotional wellbeing were called upon to support them further with their efforts to find some physical or mental health presence within the cop. Such corporations are also persuasive, as they are regulated by the accomplice. Most officers have not learned from this love of well-being because of their faith that this program will have a great impact on their calling. Post-traumatic stress can be dissected in various courses and these approaches combine, physical examination and psychological evaluation. In accordance with real medical literature for mental health, cognitive evaluation is done. Post-traumatic stress disorder treatment approaches include a few issues themselves. The benefits or the general population may be contradictory in self-disclosed measures. The negative or positive delayed results of screening can be achieved through or over the depiction of the reactions. Persons generally will give in connection with officers, and the PTSD problem will be 9/11. The impact on the mental well-being of calling professionals who charged into the scene within minutes and days of the attack is primarily demonstrated by the World Trade Center (WTC) cognitive terrorist intrusion on 9/11 (Bowler et al 2016). The people and officers that were on call who have been there who dreaded the day, had problems at the beginning of this day, and will recall as much as they can, of pain, Depression, and anger. Police have shown an exceptional flexibility to deal with injury, including overcomers of psychological suppressor assaults by the WTC and have a smaller PTSD prevalence compared to 9/11 others on call (Perrin et al., 2007). The day was completely handled by contact specialists. In reality it’s still not equal to being there in the flesh, even when you see the media. Police were with exploited people, before they took the last snares, saw some of their companions probably more than just words day after day, and saw not only a few people who remain shocked, moaning and weeping, but the whole community. They saw a number of their companions in demise Ashwell. The job at the World Trade Center was possibly far more stressful, although the officers are mindful of the stressors of the day, than the day after day they face when the police call. Getting nervousness and depression, as these officers were sure to have, will certainly contribute to the severity of the PTSD. Previous to 9/11, the police departments have already had a wide-ranging mental and physical fitness test to complete at the same point, and after 9/11, the cognitive consistency part of the test had become increasingly important as the units had to be 100% certain that if anything similar happened again, they will have people who are properly qualified to handle it.

Nothing is more important than the unhindered love of God for us. Something overwhelms the reveals what God is willing to do. There is nothing specific in the Bible about Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. We can assemble a lot of things from unusual Bible exercises, no matter what. While the PTSD is the case, there is confidence and trust are found in God. However, the essential patch is that of knowing Jesus Christ. There are different ways to adjust to a mental problem.

David said in the Bible, “From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe” (Psalm 61:2-3, NIV).  Also that “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God. For just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so also our comfort abounds through Christ” (2 Corinthians 1:3–5, NIV). Everyone should consider the definition and signs of this problem in order to contain the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder. It is essential to give this problem to everyone in major preparation so that they can get the help they need. The Vancouver Police Department organized the reporting meeting to handle the main event pressure among the staff employees, which took the ardent affluent companies should be permitted to enter and the workforce should be kept out without any apprehension of the inevitable fate of their request. The shame of their leaders, who are affiliated to mental health organizations, should be expanded to allow all organizations to benefit without any terror. place when the representatives from the department visited various important activities. Past action following major incidents has proven to be increasingly essential in order to delay the production of disarray. The fundamental motive behind the testing of the post-traumatic stress disorder issue is to recognize all people who got up to fight such critical incidents. This strategy seeks to withdraw separately from the battle in order to eliminate the unease from the system and to become increasingly important in the person’s life.

In conclusion, never overlook or take for granted the things that police officers do. The problems that they deal with on the streets and even in their minds are more then most can handle. This is why they have the calling to be a police officer. It is not a job that just anyone can do. However, also be willing to help an officer in need, you may be the one saving a life in return.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:9-10, NIV).


  • Bell S, Eski Y (2015) ‘Break a leg it’s all in the mind’: police officers’ attitudes towards colleagues with mental health issues. Policing 10(2):95–101.
  • Bowler, R. M., Kornblith, E. S., Li, J., Adams, S. W., Gocheva, V. V., Schwarzer, R. and Cone, J. E. (2016), Police officers who responded to 9/11: Comorbidity of PTSD, depression, and anxiety 10–11 years later. Am. J. Ind. Med., 59: 425-436. doi:10.1002/ajim.22588
  • Carlan PE, Nored LS (2008) An examination of officer stress: should police departments implement mandatory counseling? J Police Crim Psychol J Police Crim Psych 23(1):8–15.
  • Corrigan P (2004) How stigma interferes with mental health care. Am Psychol 59(7):614–625
  • Desmarais SL, Livingston JD, Greaves CL, Johnson KL, Verdun-Jones S, Parent R, Brink J (2014) Police perceptions and contact among people with mental illnesses: comparisons with a general population survey. Psychol Public Policy Law 20(4):431–442.
  • Harmening, W. M., & Gamez, A. M. (2016). Forensic psychology. Boston: Pearson.
  • Heffren C, Hausdorf P (2016) Post-traumatic effects in policing: perceptions, stigmas and help seeking behaviors. 17(5):420–433
  • Karaffa KM, Koch JM (2015) Stigma, pluralistic ignorance, and attitudes toward seeking mental health services among police officers. Crim Justice Behav 43(6):759–777.
  • Perrin M, DiGrande L, Wheeler K, Thorpe L, Farfel M, Brackbill R. (2007). Differences in PTSD prevalence and associated risk factors among World Trade Center disaster rescue and recovery workers. Am J Psychiatry 164:1385–1394.
  • Soomro, S. & Yanos, P.T. (2018). J Police Crim Psych
  • White, AK, Shrader G, Chamberlain J. (2015) Perceptions of law enforcement officers in seeking mental health treatment in a right-to-work state. J Police Crim Psychol J Police Crim Psych 31(2):141–154.


