Healthcare Governance and Management

The healthcare organisation is complex and dynamic. This is because its practices are vital because the healthcare systems are increasingly and consistently facing challenges that if they provide no solutions, turmoil happens – and lives become significantly affected. Berg, M., & Black, G. (2014).

Clinical governance and management constitute a necessary framework that aids in the continuum of organisational processes in the pursuit of well-being and health as collective goals. Berends, L. & Crinall, K. (2014), Kickbusch, I. & Gleicher, D. (2017) and Ross, F. and et al. (2014).

Being mindful of the differences between clinical governance and management is crucial. There must be caution and precise boundaries needed to make sure that governance does not become entangled with management. Berends, L. & Crinall, K. (2014). The entire concept of separating health care governor (or board) from healthcare manager can be confusing, but a division of duties must be established to clarify responsibilities and roles in the execution of the activities. Brennan, N. M., & Flynn, M. A. (2013).

To begin with, governing and managing are both influencing from a position of authority. Berends, L. & Crinall, K. (2014) and Scott, L., & Caress, A. (2005). And this is where governance and management become different – governing is more of putting a competent person into a particular position while managing is overseeing the operations. (?)

Healthcare governance deals with the big business picture of a health organisation; it is the body which makes the policies by which the management follows to have standards. It is a system by which managing bodies, managers, clinicians and staff share responsibility and accountability for the quality of care, continuously improving, minimising risks and fostering an environment of excellence in care for patients. Gupte, A., Mclntosh, B., & Sheppy, B. (2012); Gottwald, M. & Landsdown, G. E. (2014); Herd, G., Musaad, S., Herd, G., & Musaad, S. A. (2015).

Whereas, management provides the day-to-day activities of order and consistency of the organisation by following the management process of planning, organising, staffing, directing, and controlling members to ensure that they remain committed to their obligations. Day, G. E., & Leggat, S. G. (2015) and Marquis, B. & Huston, C. (2012).

Multiple published research literature gave different definitions, yet it has a common idea that both bodies must have the principles of transparency, participation, responsiveness, equity, efficiency and effectivity, sustainability and accountability in improving the quality of services and patient safety.  These principles apply to any organisation whether local such as Lakes District Health Board or national like Ministry of Health. Gauld, R. & Horsburgh, S. (2012), Curran, C., & Totten, M. (2010) and Laouer, R. (2011).

Separated, different, hierarchal or not – clinical governance and health care management both define and identify the plans of the organisation as well as implement and put strategies into actions to achieve goals. Kumar, S., Adhish, V. S., Deoki, N. (2014). Although a distinction exists, they share a common goal- about people, and it covers the whole patient’s journey including the horizontal integration across the different levels of services and sector. Dr. Brown, J. and et al. (2009), Bismark, M. M., and et al. (2013), Gillam, S., & Siriwardena, A. N. (2013) and Blegen, N. E., & Severinsson, E. (2011).


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Brennan, N. M., & Flynn, M. A. (2013). Differentiating clinical governance, clinical management and clinical practice.

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Leadership roles and management functions in Nursing.

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