Health and Safety in Health and Social Care Workplace

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Q1. In health and social care organizations: review systems, policies and procedures used in communicating and maintain health and safety at work in accordance to legislative requirements.

Q2. From this case study 1 above; analyse health and safety priorities that are important to Mr W’s health and wellbeing. In relation, analyse the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on MR.W and health and safety practice.

Q3. Draw your organizational chart using this as a guide, assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for management of health and safety in relation to organizational structures

Q4. Using the case study 1 above, Produce a risk assessment based on your work and analyze how information from these are used in identifying service-user’s needs and organizational decision-making.


Q5. Using the above case study, Discuss how you would address this situation (i.e. the dilemma) in line with implementing systems and policies for health and safety issues and evaluate your own contribution to promote Health & Safety of service-user.

Q6. Give examples of non-compliances around Health and Safety Policies in the home and analyse the effect in health and safety workplace.

Q7. Give examples of two Health and Safety policies, analyse their effectiveness in promoting positive and healthy practice. Explain how the organisational policies and practices are supervised and reviewed.




This assignment has been prepared keeping in mind the topic of “

Health and Safety”.

There has been focus on the risks involved, safety as well as safeguards for the health of individuals. It also covers various strategies, policies as well as procedures that need to be applied for constructive practices of health and safety.

Q1. In health and social care organizations: review systems, policies and procedures used in communicating and maintain health and safety at work in accordance to legislative requirements.

K is a domiciliary care assistant and has been reviewing the health of Mr W. The systems, policies and procedures utilised for health and safety in relation to legislative requirements comprise the terms as below:

a). Risk:

It can be defined as the likelihood of the incidence of any incident that might have dangerous results for a specific personal or persons.

b). Public Liability:

It can be defined as such segment of the rulingwhich lays stress on the public offences. The pretender (who is the party offended) normally accuses the defendant (who is the possessor) undercommon ruling due to negligence and/or harm rooted.

c). Danger:

A danger is described as something which might lead to unfavourable consequences. Such as the water spilled on the ground is a risk, as one may fall off and hurt him (Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, 2000).

d). Self-Control:

We know the main description of self-control is ‘restricting oneself’ still there have been so many management involvements that can restrict the accidental faction (Carr, 2010). The kinds of self-discipline are:


Physical Restraint:

It can be defined as the practice of making people restricted physically like being under the custody. This makes them helpless and unable to perform certain activities. These restrictions might be by use of ropes, straps, handcuffs, chains etc, or any other similar techniques.


Mechanical Restraints:

These disciplines are there to keep a check on a person’s liberty to move,e especially in the situations of the crisis.


Chemical Constraint:

By this method, the constraints are with the help of medical aids, just as to stop the movement of the patients. An example of this is the seductive being given to the sufferers.

e). Risk Assessment:

This is the duty of an owner to assess the probable risks in the operatins and be prepared to mitigate the same.

f). Avoiding accidents:

The accidents are the instance which are unexpected and are because of improper planning. This can again be pre-assessed and also be avoided in case all the precautions are taken in time. In an organisation, it is necessary to have a safe working environment.

g). First Aid:

Yet subsequent to reception of suitable extensive health and protection guidance all over the sphere, accidents are bound to occur. Out of the guidance implemented or safety measures commenced, nothing can fully pledge that mishappenings, or disasters won’t come about, these merely lessen the likelihood of their happening.

Each operational environment holds hazards, which are in the outline of unsafe resources, electrical dangers etc. therefore, stipulations of first aid are essential, and are at present a lawful necessity in the majority of the nations (Bradshaw, 2000).

First aiddenotes the provision of crucial care offered to some injured or unwell person before focused medicinal treatment. This suitable support, taking in plain healing exercises, is incredibly decisive for the sufferers and typically takes place to be useful for saving the lives.

h).Organizational culture:

This is the human conduct which means behaviour of the most important resources of the firm i.e. employees. By culture we mean the standards, principles, values, arrangements as well as behaviours of the business. The organizational culture influences the approach persons and groups intermingle among one another, among customers, and among stakeholders.

i). Legislation:

It denotes the way laws are setup that is applicable all over the nation. In the UK legislation is supposed to be prepared compliant with the bills approved by the assembly (House of commons &s well as House of Lords)


j). Strategy:

It can be characterized as an issue or standard utilized for aide choices being formed and along these lines, accomplishing the results sought. Approaches are essentially used for keeping away from a harmful conclusion. Strategies typically are actualized remembering a little region of range. Specifically, approaches are confined for particular territories and committees.

Legislation and policies are utilized as a part of wellbeing and social care to:

  • offer and advance security
  • Guaranteeing reasonable availability to services
  • Developing the care excellence being accessed (McGuire and Stephen, 2003)

Q2. From this case study 1 above; analyse health and safety priorities that are important to Mr W’s health and wellbeing. In relation, analyse the impact of one aspect of health and safety policy on MR.W and health and safety practice.

Health and safety is applicable to each and every person who performs the tasks, i.e manufactures, self-employed individuals as well as the suppliers. The business-owners need to take care of the workers’ health, security as well as their satisfaction. Similarly, in case any other persons are impacted due to the work, then the employers should also take care of those.

The major duties of the employers (towards the health and social care of employees) include:

  • Safeguarding the health, protection and comfort of the employees
  • Offer and preserve protected mechanism and arrangements for operation
  • Smooth the progress of the terms of appropriate operational atmosphere
  • Perform risk estimations and appropriate study
  • Ensuring that the Health and Safety policy is in place (Arrowsmith, 2000)

The major duties of the employees (towards the health and social care) include:

Employees are all the workers who assist the business in attaining the goals of the firm. The duties of these workers are:

  • Paying attention to co-workers as well as to self.
  • Pursue security trainings, offered by the owner
  • Accidents reporting
  • Risks and dangers reporting

Safe working is imperative for everyone, either the employees or the owner. This safety is not only necessary for the employees and owner but also for the family members of these employees. Nobody would like to work in the risky conditions. The protection precedence comprises appliance of defensive aids which might support and develop health and social care at the place of work.

The defensive aids comprise of:

  1. Mobility Aids:

    These incorporate supports which help in development. For example, wheelchairs, strolling appendages, and so forth.

  2. Talking as well as hearing aids:

    These supports are useful for helping in the key techniques of listening to and talking.

  3. Posture Management:

    This incorporates systems which help to keep up the carriage. The basic pillows utilized prior have now been supplanted with complex emotionally supportive networks.

  4. Heaviness management:

    To deal with the weight, the procedure being utilized involves the idea of weight redistribution, additionally alluded to as weight easing in straightforward terms.

  5. Aids for existence:

    These embody the helps being utilized once a day. Cases incorporate washing helps, commodes, and so forth.

Maintenance embraces two jargons, specifically

Temperature management




some lowest temperature is not definite as per the law, however normally the temperatures of places of work have to be as a minimum:

• 16°C, or

•13°C if there is extra laborious job.


appropriate aeration is critical at the place of work to guarantee that:

  1. clean air is accessible for living
  2. elimination of excess heat is performed or, supplying heat in case of cold season
  3. deteriorating and removing body and further smells (e.g. food) is
  4. Removing or lessening any impure by-products of any operation

Q3. Draw your organizational chart using this as a guide, assess the responsibilities in a specific health and social care workplace for management of health and safety in relation to organizational structures

Source: Parker, 2000

No arrangement with respect to wellbeing advancement in the work environment will be successful until it considers the authoritative structure of the organizations that the approach means to target. The fundamental hierarchical and structural stuff of the working environment will figure out if medicinal services advancement will succeed or fall flat. Such a perspective is underpinned by the theory that managerial style and structure of a business is a standout amongst the most paramount components that influence wellbeing advancement in the working environment and that, as an issue, managerial association ought to be considered an essential part to be considered in the improvement of any related strategy. It is essential to acknowledge existing hierarchical structures in the working environment when tending to wellbeing and prosperity in this coliseum. Hence, given the aforementioned solid convictions that to-be-fused wellbeing advancement methodologies must consider the hierarchical structure of the important workspace, this component ought to be esteemed of incredible significance by policymakers looking to plan practical projects.

Q4. Using the case study 1 above, Produce a risk assessment based on your work and analyze how information from these are used in identifying service-user’s needs and organizational decision-making.

Uniquely designed care arranging focuses to verify that those people who utilization prolonged circumstances are extra engrossed with respect to choices identifying with their care utilizing care arranging discussion. The stress lies on what is necessary from customers point-of-view –setting of objectives and the laying down of data and additionally help for attention toward oneself.

The main objective of planning for care is to pander to far reaching, general requirements which should widen and reveal a more extensive range of accessible decisions such as:

  1. Self-care services or
  2. Services for fulfilling the psychological as well as social requirements

Care planning ensures that offices are conceived for fulfillment of the beneath expressed requirements (Mansell, 2014):

a.)fitness requirements

b.)private requirements

c.)communal requirements

d.)monetary requirements

e.)learning requirements

f.)psychological wellbeing requirements

The procedure of care Planning encloses:

  1. Information congregation:

    It engages gathering the stances of each person concerned
  2. A

    systematic consideration

    of the areas that require care planning

  3. discovery and presentation of the information:

    This assists in dealing with what holds utmost significance


Q5. Using the above case study, Discuss how you would address this situation (i.e. the dilemma) in line with implementing systems and policies for health and safety issues and evaluate your own contribution to promote Health & Safety of service-user.

In case such an issue needs resolution, wherein the patient is dissatisfied, in such a case there is a dillems. These ethical dilemmas happen in case a person is unable to choose among the disappointing alternatives. Since Mr H wants to do something he is not allowed to, so the psychiatric nurse would be in dilemma to assist him or not. In case she allows for the same, she is not performing her duties in right manner and in case she deines for the same, then the patient might get dissatisfied. In this case, the nurse would have to maintain the confidentiality of the clients personal needs and can assist the patient to the shop. She can either herself take him to the shop or else can take help from any care-taker or family member of Mr. H.

Respect intended for the customer’s right to self-determination reflects one of the administrative ideologies of fitness, well-being and communal work. Thus, the meaning of this principle is that ultimately, the client holds responsibility for creating his personal conclusions and discovering relevant solutions to his problems, because if this is ignored then Mr. H would anytime like to go himself, which would be dangerous and unsafe for him.

Q6. Give examples of non-compliances around Health and Safety Policies in the home and analyse the effect in health and safety workplace.

Compliance alludes to esteeming and enveloping individuals who use the services being provided (Fiscella et al 2009). Basically, it can be characterized as the authorization given to give care and treatment

The human components which prompt non- compliance are:

a.)conditional and structural aspects.

The workplace examples are work burden, levels of staffing, preparing sessions, and accessibility of assets. Similarly at home these can be pressure, stress, arguments etc.

b.)the controls composed and assessed to deal with situational and authoritative problems were discovered to be widely running.

On the off chance that non- compliance retreats, then the chief and boss systems to check it is indictment by which the powers coddling the health and safety requirement (fundamentally HSE and the neighborhood powers) handle to have hold of those obvious to have performed grave crevices of health and safety law.

Q7. Give examples of two Health and Safety policies, analyse their effectiveness in promoting positive and healthy practice. Explain how the organisational policies and practices are supervised and reviewed.

Health and Social care affiliations require maintaining a standard check and subsequently, their execution is observed with a specific end goal to assess the way the risks are consistently taken care of.

The essential components of health and safety society incorporate two wordings, observing and reporting. The board ought to be allowed by the administration frameworks to get both exact (e.g. occurrence based) and repetitive data in regards to the healthiness and safety approach’s execution.

A large portion of the everyday data in regards to the health and safety requires be passed on just at the period of an authority examination. However just with the accessibility of a well-built framework deputed for observing it can be guaranteed that the preparing of the formal survey continues according to the arranging – and that the occasions that have significance in the mediating, or transient are taken to get the board’s attention (HSE, 2011).

The main policies would include Right actions as well as right kind of practice.

  1. Suitable pertinence is connected with reporting precautionary information, and information identified with occurrences, (for example, catastrophe, or mischance and the nonattendance rates owing to affliction);
  2. Timely reviews alluding to the levels of viability of association structures are carried out.
  3. Risk controls as per health and safety are carried out.
  4. The effect of transformations to be accounted for at the soonest moment of time to the prepare to be working
  5. Process for executing most recent and changed necessities concerning to the law and allowing for other nonessential developments and deeds (Feather, 2009).

Right Kind of practice includes:

  1. Operational checking of nonappearance at the work environment due to affliction and health issues at the working environment can make the board readied to comprehend the center fundamental issues which can bring about truly harming the execution, cause mischances and moreover bring about long lasting infection.
  2. The gathering of information, compliant with work environment health and safety can allow the board for yard sticking the business performances aligned with the rivals in its segment.
  3. an assessment of the inclusion of senior executives and administrators for health and safety execution (HSE, 2009)
  4. Receiving consistent, auspicious reports with respect to the activities of foremen and in connection to the health and safety execution.
  5. Certain associations have assessed and presumed that they attain prevalent backing for health and safety when specialists get engaged in monitoring


The examination highlights the focuses to be enclosed for a right exercise which guarantees safety at the place of work. It incorporates operational checking of the work environment to guarantee deficiency of any sicknesses predominant. It likewise includes the amassing of information, compliant with working environment health and safety can allow the board for laying standards for the execution of the association against the rivals in its segment. An assessment of the inclusion of senior executives and administrators for health and safety execution additionally requires to be done. Accepting customary, convenient reports with respect to the activities of foremen and in setting to the health and safety execution is additionally a paramount element.


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Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions. 2000. Revitalising Health and Safety: strategy statement. London: The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.

Feather C. 2009. Work Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: an occupational hazard for sonographers. Synergy, 2001; October.

Fiscella K, Franks P, Gold MR, Clancy CM. 2008. Inequality in quality: addressing socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic disparities in health care.

HSE. 2009. A guide to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 L73. 2nd ed. London: HSE Books.

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Mansell, J. 2014.

The challenge of providing high quality services

. In Mental Health in Mental Retardation (ed. N.Bouras), pp. 328–340. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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