Developing Health and Well-being in Mexico
With reference to a range of indicators, explain the level of wellbeing of people in your chosen country?
The community of Mexico experience and struggle through a wide range of contrasting indicators including education as well as life expectancy that multiple developed and first world countries would not have to undergo
In Mexico, education is not very accessible due to many children dropping out of school to help support families as they need to survive. The education system in Mexico is divided into their social class. Basic education is divided into three different levels primary school, school and lastly high school. Public schools in Mexico are free of fees and secular from any religious teachings as they have been banned in public education. Textbooks are mainly provided for primary school children but once they have reached high school parents will need to buy textbooks for their children. Children who want to attend school must reach at least 60% in the nation examination by the end of each school year to advance to the next grade. Schools have a shortage of teachers, textbooks and workspace due to the lack of funding, due to this making the standard education levels very low. On the other side of the spectrum, private schools have a high standard of bilingual education and this well-suites the children. Many private schools in Mexico are concentrated in big cities. Parents who want to send their children to a private school are advised to meet with a teacher and cheek the curriculum to decide if their child is suitable for the school. Private schools will usually ask for a copy of the child’s birth certificate and copy of school records with photo identification.
Life expectancy of Mexican in 2018 was 77.5 years old. Mexico’s growth overall of average life expectancy has increased by 24% per cent every year. Mexico as a country is still dealing with cases of extreme poverty and violence as its scores are better than the global expectancy. However much more work has to be done to improve the living conditions and ensure higher life expectancy
In conclusion, Mexico experiences and struggles through a wide range of contrasting indicators including education as well as life expectancy that multiple developed and first world countries would not have to undergo.
Evaluate the success of government and/or non-government initiatives in improving the wellbeing of people in your chosen country?
Government organisations are trying to find initiative ways to improve the wellbeing of people in Mexico. Mexico as a country has faced many barriers as a country with improving the way people live their lives on a day to day basis. The country goes through challenges of security and safety, as the frequency of interpersonal violence causes 41 deaths per 100,000 people. To help people feel safe out in public or in there homes, Mexico government have installed CCTV cameras, armoured cars/vans, communication tech and undercover police Mobile tech and internet-connected devices have been spread to the exhilarate security around the country, which has forced many companies to replace old systems to adapt to the new security standards. Safety in the workplace has been a major concern for the Mexican government according to the “Secretary of Labor and Social Prevention with data reported by Mexican Institute of Social Security in 2017, more than 480,000 work accidents and work illnesses were recorded, and 699 workers have died while doing their job”. Industries have recorded that most deaths were because of an accident like transportation e.g driving heavy-load trucks. Mexico’s Secretariat of the Economy has said, “Mexico has more than four million enterprises, which contribute to micro and small firms which represent 99.8 per cent, and they contribute 42 per cent of GDP and 78 per cent of total employment”. Unfortunately, Mexico’s four million businesses usually underestimate the importance of workplace safety policies making them a less attractive target market. Civil protection is one of thing the Mexican government have invested a lot of time and money into as this has been restrained by government budgets and policy, making this section a less dynamic market than might otherwise be expected. Mexican government need to have protection as they have to deal with earthquakes, explosions, volcanoes, floods, fires and hurricanes. Emergency first aid kits are acquired by many organizations to be prepared as well as emergency drills. On the civilian side, firefighters, rescue organizations, and the Red Cross generally depend on donations for equipment and assistants rather than rely on government budgets. In Mexico, employment is about “61% of people age around 15 to 64 have a paying job lower than the OECD employment average of 81%”. “79% of men are paid workers while only 45% of women are paid. 29% of workers work very long hours”. Mexico has been reported as having one of the worst air quality in the world. As tiny air particles that are small enough to enter and cause damage to your lungs. Mexicans water quality is bad compared to the rest of the world, as 68% of people say they are unsatisfied with the quality of their water.
Author – Unknown.
Accessed date- 10/9/19
Author- Alessa Flores,
Accessed – 5/9/19
Tittle- Better life index
Author- unknown
Author- Unknown
Accessed 11/9/19
Title- United nations development
Author- Unknown
Accessed – 30/8/19
Title- World Population Review
Author- Unknown
Accessed 11/9/19
Title- the Global youth wellbeing Index
Author- Unknown
Accessed – 30/8/19