Lewy Body Dementia: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction According to the World Health Organization, being healthy is being in a good physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of an infection. This definition means that it does not call for any disparity in the wellness of an individual. Concerning health, a person can be considered as either having a…

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Effectiveness of Dementia Care Mapping on Patient Centred Care

A report into what is the effectiveness of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) on patient-centred care for patients living with dementia in care home? This assignment will explore Evidence Based Practice (EBP), explain what it is and how significant it is in current day nursing which is evidence-based. A clinically researchable question will be formulated and…

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Care Needs for Patient with Dementia

Introduction In this assessment I’m going to look at Dementia, explain what is it and what the effects are. I’m going to explore the person needs in relation to the condition, what the role of the carer/Multidisciplinary team are in assisting the person with dementia, what practices and what care settings are needed for the…

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Individual Patient Care in Dementia

A nurse’s role focuses on the help, care and support given to their patients whilst treating people as individuals and upholding their dignity (The NMC code, 2015). In this essay I will discuss the ways in which nurses can ensure that patients with dementia receive individualised patient care. The aim of this essay is to…

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Dementia: Impact of and Support Needs

Task 3 A. People with Dementia 3.1.A In your own words explain the differing consequences of an impairment or type of disability in relation to: a. Individual A person with dementia faces a number of different challenges. Apart from the most well known effect of the disease which is gradual memory loss, the most basic…

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Mental Health Well-being of Dementia Carers

Introduction Research is undertaken and applied across many different professions and disciplines, as it offers a basis for increasing knowledge, informed decision making and action (Minichiello, Sullivan, Greenwood & Axford, 2004; DePoy & Gitlin, 2011). Within the nursing profession research is the link between theory and practice and has influenced many changes to the way…

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Safeguarding Dementia Patients

Introduction All nurses have a duty of care to their patients (Brooker and Waugh, 2013). Nurses are expected to play a safeguarding role, recognising vulnerable patients and protecting them from harm, abuse and neglect. Elderly patients are at especial risk due to their poor health, disabilities and increased frailty (de Chesnay and Anderson, 2008). Of…

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Caring for the Dementia Patient: Evidence Based Practice

Lisa Krier The population of elderly people in society is continually increasing, which places demands on the health care system. Drugs are extensively used in the elderly, and when the patients have dementia, this raises their level of vulnerability (Jedenius, Johnell, Fastbom, Stromqvist, Winbald & Andreasen, 2011). The administration of psychotropic drugs to dementia patients…

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Dementia Care Training for Nurses

Improving Dementia Care Training for Registered General Nurses and Adult Student Nurses: examining the need, efficacy, content and barriers. This Independent Project aims to explore the efficacy of current provision for Dementia care training for Adult branch Student Nurses and Registered General Nurses (RGN’s). A range of audits and research literature on this area of…

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Early Stage Dementia Nursing Care

The aim of this case study is to explain and discuss the nursing care of a 69 year old lady who has recently been diagnosed with early stage dementia. This case study will demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of evidence based nursing practice whilst exhibiting my ability to outline a plan of care which is…

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