Alcoholism: Disease or Moral Dilemma

Is alcoholism a disease or just a moral dilemma? That is a question that many people still ask today. There are doctors, lawyers, professional people and everyday citizens that      believe alcoholism is just a social or mental issue. That it is not a disease like cancer or heart disease or many of the major illnesses…

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Emerging Adults and the Higher Risk for Sexual Assault Research

Abstract The purpose of this research paper was to investigate the population of emerging adults’ (18-30) risk for sexual assault and emerging adults’ involvement in risky alcohol consumption. This research highlights the importance of preventing emerging adults in contributing to alcohol abuses that can expose them to vulnerable situations and often affect them long-term also….

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Health Essays – Alcoholism Drinking Health

Alcoholism Drinking Health Definition Alcoholism is an illness marked by drinking alcoholic beverages at a level that interferes with physical health, mental health, and social, family, or occupational responsibilities. Alcoholism is divided into 2 categories: dependence and abuse. People with alcohol dependence, the most severe alcohol disorder, usually experience tolerance and withdrawal. Tolerance is a…

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Should Alcohol Be Illegal

Exploring the effects of alcohol The consequences from the misuse of alcohol are becoming more apparent worldwide. For this essay I will focus on the UK and USA as examples to examine various impacts that alcohol has on society, and if the criminalisation of alcohol would benefit society. The USA made alcohol illegal in 1920…

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Alcohol Abuse Essay

The Aversive Effect of Alcohol Betty Ford, the wife of former President Gerald Ford, suffered from alcoholism and was addicted to painkillers. She raised public awareness of addiction by confessing her longtime battle with alcoholism in the 1970s. When she recovered, she established the Betty Ford Center to help others overcome substance and alcohol abuse….

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Mindfulness for Alcohol Addiction

Mindfulness can be defined as the a very particular mental state which is both wholesome and capable of clear and penetrating insight into the nature of reality (Cullen, 2011). Where the particular subset of mindfulness, mindfulness meditation originally derived from Buddhist Vipassana meditation is used to teach individuals with physical and mental ailments (Marcus, 2010)….

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Essay on Eating Disorders and Alcohol Abuse

Alcoholism is characterized by a strong craving to drink, an inability to stop drinking once beginning, a physical dependence upon alcohol to prevent symptoms of withdrawal, and a need for greater amounts of alcohol due to increased tolerance. Substance abuse is defined as the routine use of harmful substances for mood-altering purposes and can include…

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Alcoholism and Gabapentin Treatment

Abstract Gabapentin was designed as a GABA analog. Currently, used for its antiepileptic and analgesic properties, most likely antagonizes high-voltage-gated calcium channels. It is also proposed that gabapentin enhances inhibitory input of GABA-mediated pathways (e.g., reducing excitatory input) and antagonizes NMDA receptors and now recently being investigated for its treatment in abstinence from alcohol dependence…

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Neuropsychological Assessment Plan for Depression-dementia Patient

Experiencing stressful life events, such as bereavement, have been observed to act as a precedent for the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) (Reich, 2011). Meanwhile, the DSM-V recognizes grief and bereavement as a trigger for major depression (Pies, 2014). Depression on itself, however, has been recognized as both a risk factor (Thorpe, 2009) and a…

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