Review of Zirconia in Dental Prosthetics

Material’s Need Dental health is very important in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Issues with bacteria in the mouth due to cavities and other infections or ailments have been linked to severe long-term illnesses such as Alzheimer’s (Dominy, Stephen). “…a condition such as gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gingival complex, will cause…

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Dental Prosthetic Options

Introduction: Prosthetic options to replace a missing tooth fall into two main categories: Fixed prostheses and removable prostheses. When choosing the suitable treatment option to replace a missing upper incisor, multiple variables involving the patient wishes, expectations, dentist skills and training, cost of treatment, and clinical findings should be taken into consideration (Al-Quran et al.,…

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Hip Prosthesis Simulation for Total Hip Replacement

Abstract Arthritis is one of the pain problems that cause the disability of elders. To overcome this issue, total hip replacement surgery is introduced to improve the quality of life for patients who have this problem. In this report, with aid of software, SOLIDWORKS 2018, the hip prosthesis is tested with 500 N, normal to…

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Issues of Alcohol Misuse

Ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol, is a chemical, liquid, colorless, flammable compound used industrially for the manufacture of medicines, perfumes, sprays and spirits as well as wine, beer, whiskey and others.There are two main methods for their production by the fermentation of sugars, the most common, or from the ethylene by a synthetic method….

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Alcohol Treatments and Rehabilitation Programs

Medical intervention for drug addicts is part of achieving social normalisation. Choose a drug addiction (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, heroin, amphetamine or marijuana). Explore methods of treatment for this drug addiction within medical establishments and problems faced. What are the most effective methods and what might improve success rates of rehabilitation? During the ancient times alcohol…

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Psychiatry Case Report: A Dual Diagnosis

Name: Nur Farah Ashikin Abu Salman Presenting Complaint: AB is a 33 year-old, single, unemployed man who was brought in by Garda to the psychiatric department on 8-10-14 with suicidal ideation. He has history of alcohol abuse since 2004. History of Presenting Complaint: AB was brought into the psychiatry unit by the Garda when he…

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Community Support Intervention for Alcohol Abuse

Community support intervention (s) for alcohol abuse in adults living in Glasgow, UK; A Proposal Introduction International perspective on alcohol abuse Alcoholism is a collective term for alcohol related disorders including, but not limited to, alcohol abuse, binge drinking and alcohol dependence (World Health Organisation [WHO], 2016). Global alcohol consumption levels in 2010 were estimated…

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Public Health Issue: Alcohol Misuse

Alcohol misuse as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) is the alcohol use that places people at risk for problems, including “at-risk use,” “clinical alcohol abuse,” and “dependence.” Although the use of alcohol brings with it a number of pleasures, alcohol increases the risk of a wide range of social harms, generally in a…

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Health Essays – Binge Drinking Alcohol

Binge Drinking Alcohol Question: With evidence for a new ‘culture of intoxication’, what are the current attitudes on binge drinking in UK society, and what are the possible causes for the current alcohol consumption patterns in contemporary society? Introduction The aim of this thesis is to answer the question: ‘With evidence for a new ‘culture…

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Holistic Report on Older Adult and Alcohol Abuse as a Co-exsisting Problems

1.0 Introduction Kaumatua (older adult) identifies as the demographics age of 65 years and older (Santrock, 2014).  Currently, there are around 600,000 adults aged 65 years and older living in New Zealand. In the next ten years, there will be close to one million (Hodges, 2014a). New Zealand has the second highest portion of seniors…

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