Effects of Dementia

Unit standard 23920 Task 1: 1.1: Dementia Normal ageing loss of nerve cells As regards with dementia brain ,the reason which is contributing to the death of nerve cell and disrupt the messages in the brain are plaques and tangles Plaques and tangles are the reason of the dead of nerve cells In normal ageing…

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Symptoms causes and possible solutions of Dementia

Introduction (source, NHS) Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) that is associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. These include: thinking, language, memory, understanding, and judgement. People with dementia may also have problems controlling their emotions or behaving appropriately in social situations. Aspects of their personality may change. Most cases of…

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Research on Dementia and Memory Cafés

Research into how effective activities in memory café are for individuals with Dementia when considering cognition and dexterity. A Research on Dementia and Memory Cafés Introduction In understanding the background for the research, a general introduction to the topic in question is relevant in the development of various aspects of the project. The term dementia…

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Memory Loss and Cognitive Impairment of the Elderly

CHAPTER V DISCUSSION, SUMMARY, CONCLUSION, IMPLICATIONS LIMITATIONS AND RECOMENDATIONS This chapter deals with discussion, summary and conclusion drawn. It also clarifies the limitation of the study, the implications and recommendations given for different areas such as nursing practice, nursing education, nursing administration and research. Memory loss is unusual forgetfulness. May not able to remember the…

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Identifying and Meeting the Needs of an Individual Client

Identifying and meeting the needs of an individual client Introduction In this assignment I will observe 3 clients who suffer from memory loss, social isolation/emotional upset and physical disability. I will provide background information of each client, challenges the clients experience and competencies the clients demonstrated. I will also give a description of the current…

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Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Individual Client

Identifying and meeting the needs of the individual client Annie Mc Donald Client One Social isolation Client Profile Mary is an 85 year old female. Mary is currently in the nursing home now for 6 months. Mary had to stay in care when she came dependant on 24-hour care. Mary lived in the country with…

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Treatment of Alzheimers Disease Essay

ACE Alzheimer’s: An adjuvant strategy of treating Alzheimer’s disease with Vitamin A, C & E (ACE) ABSTRACT Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic and slowly progressing neurodegenerative disorder which has become a major concern with regards to health, worldwide. This disorder is characterised by progressive dementia and cognitive decline. Pathologically, AD is characterised by the…

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Essay on Dementia and Communication

Introduction In this report I will be discussing a brain disease called Picks and how it affects communication for the client, their family and the healthcare assistant. There are five distinguishing features of Picks disease, I have done all my research on line and found all the sites extremely helpful. On set. Personality change. Roaming…

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Issue of Miscommunication in Handoff Procedures

Proposal Miscommunication during handoff between departments is an interdepartmental issue at Bridgeport Hospital. Miscommunication in reports can cause increased patient falls, incorrect administration of medications, misunderstanding of orders, etc. (Campbell & Dontje, 2019). In a study, reviewing ten hospitals, “37% of interdepartmental handoffs were substandard and did not support high quality patient care” (Wisniowski, 2010)….

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Improving Communication Skills to Enhance Palliative Care

End of Life Care: Improving Communication Skills to Enhance Palliative Care The goal of hospice care is to reduce the pain from a person who is suffering from terminal illness and may have less than six months to live. Many hospice programs are covered under Medicare. Moreover, Medicaid and other insurance plans are also providing…

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