Stress And Pain In Labour Health And Social Care Essay

Labour is a series of events that takes place in the genital organs in an effort to expel the viable products of conception through the vagina in to outer world. During labour, the women experience some degree of stress, discomfort and severe pain as her system responds to the effects of physical changes that prepare…

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Preventing Prolonged and Obstructed Labor

Prolonged labor and obstructed labor are major causes of maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality in india. One of the tools used to monitor labor and prevent prolonged and obstructed labor is the partograph, a single sheet printed paper on which labor observations are recorded. (Fistula care., 2011). The timing of interventions is the one…

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Labor Room Comfort for Pregnant Woman

Comfort is associated by nursing responsibilities with a firm and strong concept. This is given traditionally to patient and families with the use of comfort measures. It is intended to provide comforting measures in order to strengthen the patient and their families. Nurses show proper care because of their abilities. There are no certain measures…

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Role Of The Nurse In Labor

Having a baby is one of the most joyful and challenging times of a womans life. Nurses offer relaxation techniques to help women through discomfort and make sure they have everything they need during labor and delivery. Labor and delivery is about more than the delivery of a healthy baby, it is also about a…

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The Work Of Labor And Delivery Nurses Nursing Essay

Today, the work of labor and delivery nurses (L&D nurses) is extremely important and responsible because the quality of their work affects consistently the quality of health care services delivered to women and newborns. In this regard, it is important to remember that, today, many women have problems with labor and delivery because of their…

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PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Background of the Study Comfort is a concept that has a strong association with nursing. Nurses traditionally provide comfort to patients and their families through interventions that can be called comfort measures. The intentional comforting actions of nurses strengthen patients and their families. Caring is about how nurses do their work….

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Elective Induction of Labor

Labor induction has become increasingly more popular in recent years. In 1990, 9.6% of mothers chose to induce their labor, and the number of induced labors peaked in 2010 when 23.8% of mother’s chose to induce their labor (Kriebs, 2015). Families and healthcare professionals can choose to induce labor for a variety of reasons. A…

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Effect of Alzheimers on the Family

Alzheimer’s: the effect on the family Introduction Alzheimer is a medical problem that can also be termed as a type of dementia. A patient who suffers from Alzheimer experiences problems in regard to his memory, thinking process, and behavior. This disease can be defined as a medical problem that is irreversible, and damages the brain…

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Strategies for Elderly Care and Dementia

INTRODUCTION There is often a stigma for people who have dementia because of the poor understanding of dementia and how to provide care for them. Although there is a strong association between dementia and old age this is not always the case as there are many reports of dementia in younger people. There is currently…

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Strategies to Strengthen Memory Skills

Memory is the power or process of remembering what has been learned. It can be bunches of information that you’ve learned from school, internet, and experiences, either good or bad. Memory is like a very big storage in our head. You yourself will be shocked from the things that are in store with it. When…

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