Development of Care Plan for Person with Dementia

Specific Needs of the Older Person Introduction Dementia is characterized by cognitive decline or behavioral (neuropsychiatric) changes in relation to a previous level of performance that causes loss of independence for activities of daily living. Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia are the main forms of dementia in the elderly, accounting for about 80% to 90%…

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Effects of Dementia | Considering Gender and Age

Dementia has been associated with impaired memory, poor orientation, low thinking capacity, low comprehension, language problems, poor calculation, poor judgment and learning capacity. With such effects there is need to establish the magnitude on the patients so as to paint a clear picture of the pandemic. This proposal seeks to identify the effects of dementia…

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Early Stage Of Dementia

Dementia is a common disease in the geriatric population but can also be noticed in any stage of adulthood. In a study issued by European researchers, it is estimated that about 35 million people have dementia worldwide. It is called a syndrome because it involves a serious of signs and symptoms. It is a non-specific…

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Family Intervention Of Dementia Health And Social Care Essay

The word dementia is an umbrella term which describes a serious deterioration in mental functions, such as memory, language, orientation and judgement. Numerous definition of dementia has been suggested. Roth proposed that it is ‘an acquired global impairment of intellect, memory and personality’. A more comprehensive definition has been suggested by McLean, namely, ‘an acquired…

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Dementia Interventions And Implications Health And Social Care Essay

Dementia is one of the leading causes of nonfatal disability in the developed world and by 2030 it is predicted that dementia will be the third leading cause of the years of life lost due to death and disability .Measured using the concept of disability adjusted life years (DALYS) which combines a measure of the…

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Dementia and Treatment as it Applies to Speech Language Pathology

Etiology The term dementia refers to an umbrella term that describes conditions that affect several aspects of cognition due to neurons in the brain (Alzheimer’s Association, 2014). Specifically, dementia refers to a progressive condition in which a variety of symptoms exist, including: memory loss, expressive language impairments, impaired communication, ability to reason, mood, and personality…

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Comparison between Dementia and Delirium

Presentation: Dementia and delirium are two common neurological conditions with varying similarities and differences. Dementia is a neurodegenerative condition with a slow onset ( Fong,  Davis, Growdon, Albuquerque, & Inouye, 2015). Delirium is an acute mental status change ( Fong et al., 2015). An inexperienced  practitioner may have some difficulties in differentiating between the two…

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Reflection on Pregnancy and Childbirth

Explain Why the Critical Factors Influencing the Course of Pregnancy Including Several Dimensions such as Social, Biological and Psychological Factors The period in the uterus before conception is a standout amongst the most pivotal stages in an individual life’s compass. Throughout the normal 280 day period, organic establishments are made that will impact a great…

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Anemia in pregnancy constitutes a major public health problem in developing countries. It is defined as reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood as a result of fewer circulating erythrocytes than normal or a decrease in the concentration of Haemoglobin (Hb) (Hoque et al., 2009). During pregnancy, there is an increase in amount…

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The Antenatal Care And Postnatal Care Health Essay

Maternal mortality is defined as death of women from pregnancy- related complications occurring throughout pregnancy, labor, childbirth and in the postpartum period (up to the 42nd days after birth (WHR, 2005). Maternal mortality is one of the major public health concerns in the world. Death during postnatal period is playing an important role in increasing…

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