Person Centred Care for Dementia Patients

Ingrid Joy Moreno Castaneda Abstract This paper presents the different aspects of person-centred approach in the promotion of health to the elderly with dementia and other geriatric health conditions. The principles of individuality, rights, choice, privacy, independence, dignity, respect and autonomy are discussed. Impacts of equality, culture and diversity in the provision of person-centred approach…

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Effects of Dementia

Unit standard 23920 Task 1: 1.1: Dementia Normal ageing loss of nerve cells As regards with dementia brain ,the reason which is contributing to the death of nerve cell and disrupt the messages in the brain are plaques and tangles Plaques and tangles are the reason of the dead of nerve cells In normal ageing…

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Approaches Towards Dementia Care

Peter John Ignacio Jael Wafula Support Planning for Geriatric Health Conditions Introduction Today, our society consists of increasing number of people aged sixty five and over. This is the result of the baby boomer effect in which post world war two children are now in the latter stages of their lives. It is believed that…

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Strength Based Models for People With Dementia

The strength based model represents a paradigm shift — a movement away from a deficit based model which is one that can lead to a long list of the things that are considered to be ‘wrong’ with people’s learning and development or that people cannot do, and insufficient information about strengths and strategies to support…

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Music Therapy for Dementia – Research Study

Hilda Dimalibot Purpose of the Study Research question What is the level of knowledge for the benefits of music therapy on the residents with dementia among healthcare assistants in Chadderton Rest Home? Purpose of the project The main purpose of this research project is to determine the level of knowledge for the benefits of music…

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Challenges in Caring for Dementia Patients

INTRODUCTION Dementia consists of a lot of symptoms that include lowering ability to do routine or familiar tasks, impairment of the memory, reasoning and judgment, behavior and mood changes. However, treatments are not yet available for the progressive, irreversible, dementias in which nerve cells in the brain become sick and eventually die. People experiencing dementia…

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Health Essays – Alzheimer Dementia Disease Essay

Alzheimer Dementia Closing in on Alzheimer’s “Soon, Alzheimer’s disease will touch everyone in this country in some form or another, so the need to redouble our research efforts greater than ever before. We must have better treatments, earlier detection, and effective strategies to prevent Alzheimer’s. Scientists have made tremendous strides in the last two decades,…

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Symptoms causes and possible solutions of Dementia

Introduction (source, NHS) Dementia is a syndrome (a group of related symptoms) that is associated with an ongoing decline of the brain and its abilities. These include: thinking, language, memory, understanding, and judgement. People with dementia may also have problems controlling their emotions or behaving appropriately in social situations. Aspects of their personality may change. Most cases of…

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Challenges of Dementia Care and Patient Awareness

Abstract Dementia is a controversial issue in the medical field today. Dementia is defined as “a loss of intellectual abilities of sufficient severity to interfere with social or occupational functioning” (DSM IV; APA, 1994). The elderly, especially, have experienced a dramatic shift in overall health awareness due to this disease. Dementia has an impact on…

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Research on Dementia and Memory Cafés

Research into how effective activities in memory café are for individuals with Dementia when considering cognition and dexterity. A Research on Dementia and Memory Cafés Introduction In understanding the background for the research, a general introduction to the topic in question is relevant in the development of various aspects of the project. The term dementia…

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