1.1 The person-centred approach means focusing on the individual’s personal wellbeing and needs, along with their wants, desires and goals. A person-centred care approach is used to involve a strong interest in the patient’s own experience of health, illness, injury or need. Ways to ensure a person-centred care approach include; knowing the patient as an…
Care Planning for Adolescent Patient
AC 1.1 Explain the job role in relation to your patient. What exactly will they do and why? Tanisha , Tanisha, 16, has been waiting with a friend to be seen. She hurt her wrist at the local skate park practicing on the ramps and also has a cut to her left leg. The triage…
The relationship between occupation and health
Discuss the relationship between occupation and health, and recognise factors which facilitate occupational performance. In the context of this essay “occupation” is taken to encompass care of self, leisure and employment (American Occupational Therapy Association: Uniform Terminology, 1994) whereby the person interacts with the environment. These areas are not mutually exclusive. It is the “ordinary…
Analysis of Canadas Healthcare System
INTRODUCTION Canada is a developed country located in the northern part of North America. In 1867, it became a self-governing state while retaining its tie with the British crown. When it comes to economic and technology, Canada is developing in parallel to its neighbour to the south, which is the United State of America. It…
Pathogenesis- Prevention and Control of Lyme Disease in Public Health
Introduction Lyme disease is a zoonotic disease and was first recognised in 1975 in Connecticut, U.S., by Dr. Burgdofer ( Discovery of the disease agent causing Lyme disease , 2018). The disease is transmitted from bacteria to vertebrae animals, including dogs, horses, birds, livestock and humans, through the bite of an infected tick. What is…
Effectiveness of Dementia Care Mapping on Patient Centred Care
A report into what is the effectiveness of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) on patient-centred care for patients living with dementia in care home? This assignment will explore Evidence Based Practice (EBP), explain what it is and how significant it is in current day nursing which is evidence-based. A clinically researchable question will be formulated and…
Leadership Styles in Nursing Setting
Nurses in United Kingdom are encouraged to prioritise people, practise effectively, preserve safety and promote professionalism and trust in nurse practice (NMC, 2018). This can only be achieved when nurses are effective leaders who use good management practices and use reflection in practice to improve patient outcomes (NHS Leadership Academy, 2013). Therefore, the author aims…
Collaborative Fieldwork Supervision Model in Occupational Therapy
Introduction The collaborative fieldwork supervision model was introduced to occupational therapy 18 years ago as an innovative approach to prepare students for the 21st-century health care arena (Cohn et al., 2001). Cohn described the model as a process-oriented approach to prepare future practitioners to be life-long learners engaged in cooperative problem solving. The collaborative fieldwork…
Return on Investment for Emergency Obstetric Care Training
Social Return on Investment for Emergency Obstetric Care Training in Kenya Dedication “To philanthropy and all those contributing to making the world a better place” List of tables Table 1‑1: Summary table of social impact assessment methods…… Table 2‑1: WHO emergency obstetric care signal functions……….. Table 3‑1: Krlev et al. 12-point quality assessment framework……… Table…
Allied Health Professionals and Occupational Therapists
Annabelle Butterick INTRODUCTION The following essay discusses occupational therapists as Allied Health Professionals and who they work with. Occupational therapists work with many Allied Health Professionals. Two of these Allied Health Professionals will be discussed further in this essay to understand the interdisciplinary team and the importance of communication between these Allied Health Professionals. Occupational…