Patient Centred Care in the NHS

Introduction The NHS is a large multi-functioning health care service that deals with over 1 million patients every 36 hours 1 . The NHS sets out to provide quality health care which include three important parts; Clinical efficiency, patient safety and patient experience 2 . The need for even greater quality health care in the…

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Utilization Pattern of Personal Protective Equipments (PPE)

Utilization Pattern of Personal Protective Equipments a mong Industrial Workers of Nawalparasi, Nepal Shiva Raj Acharya ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Personal protective equipments is one of the important measures to safeguard workers from exposure to occupational hazards. It includes Face Mask, Goggle, Helmet, Gloves, Boot, Ear Plugs, Protective clothing, Belts, etc. The use of personal protective equipment…

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A Study On The History Of The NHS

Since its launch in 1948, the NHS has evolved to turn into the world’s largest publicly funded health service. It is also one of the most efficient, most egalitarian and most comprehensive. The NHS in England is the biggest part of the system by far, catering to a population of 51m and employing more than…

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Public Health And Health Promotion

In this research paper I discussed the role of Public Relations in communicating health and delivering healthy messages to the public or community. It is more or less the same working with other ministries but Ministry of Health (MOH) are more focused on educating and promoting healthy lifestyle. There are five strategic SMART objectives that…

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Critique of Nursing Research Article Exploring Drug Abstinence Following Behavioural Therapy

The article chosen to be critiqued is titled “Achieving Drug and Alcohol Abstinence Among Recently Incarcerated Homeless Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Dialectical Behavioral Therapy-Case Management With a Health Promotion Program”. The abstract of the article is detailed and clearly outlines the different components throughout the article. The abstract written by Nyamathi et al….

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Evaluation of Public Health Agenda in Community: Obesity

Module Title: Promoting the Public Health of Populations in Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Module Code: SHN3048 Critical evaluation of the current public health agenda in relation to a health need identified within a community profile. The purpose of this assignment is to critically analyse the current public health agenda in relation to a health…

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Impact of Accountable Care Organizations

Accountable Care Organization Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) improves quality and patient care outcomes whilst reducing the total cost of healthcare (Panning, 2014).  ACOs consist of three programs that assist in obtaining better value for the health care system and for the patient by involving coordination, transition, and patient involvement.  What this means for health care…

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Role of Public Health in Health and Social Care

Introduction: A science which helps to improve the lifestyle of the people or communities by preventing and damaging various kinds of disease is called public health. It is totally concerned with the protection of good health of the whole population of a country of a territory. Social care is a system which helps to an…

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Ebola Virus Explained Essay

Introduction Ebola virus is one of the most virulent and lethal pathogens known to human. Ebola virus epidemics have emerged from time to time since it was first discovered in 1976 from the Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zaire, but the largest known Ebola virus outbreak up to date is ongoing at the…

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