Professional Development in Nursing | Reflection

In order to enhance knowledge, skills, values and attitudes needed for a safe and effective nursing practice, this reflective piece aims to demonstrate the author’s commitment to the need for professional development contribution and personal supervision activities. Through leadership, peer support, supervision and teaching this account will further enhance the professional development and safe practice…

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Reflection for professional development

Reflective practice has been recognised by health care professionals as an essential tool to link theory to practice, which can help us learn from our experiences (Jasper 2003a). During my first placement I experienced an incident that a struggled to deal with because I did not understand the condition that the patient had. By using…

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Reflection In Personal And Professional Development Nursing Essay

Continuing education is perceived here as a process that helps to improve the lives of individuals, to clarify their thoughts and personal reflection on what they are doing and act as engaged citizens in a process of social transformation. In this research, the content of continuing education is mainly based on the experiences of the…

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Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development Plan

An Advanced Practice Nurse Professional Development Plan As the demand for Advanced practice nurses (APN) increase across the country, so does the need for guidelines and standards. Establishing guidelines and standards sets the tone for our professional practice. As an APN the bar has been set higher than ever before. Transitioning into the APN requires…

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Continuing Professional Development in Health and Social Care Practitioner

C3 (4.1) – Describe continuing professional development (CPD). A CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development as it refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that practitioner tend to gain formal and informal as practitioner will be working alongside. CPD mean that professional are getting training within you job roles…

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Case study of continuing professional development

Within this assignment I will critically reflect on my clinical knowledge to date and consider my future development needs with a focus on my final management placement and future career as a registered nurse, and using the Gibbs model (appendix 1) as a framework will reflect upon my own learning experiences and achievements to date…

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The Importance of Continuing Professional Development in Dentistry

Introduction Continuing professional development (CPD), in reference to dentistry, is referred to as “the mechanism by which dental practitioners develop their skills and knowledge and maintain up-to-date practice” (Barnes et al., 2012). The main aims of CPD is to protect the public and patients, as well as supporting dental professionals in maintaining and improving their…

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APN Professional Development Plan

APN Professional Development Plan Introduction The role of an advanced practice nurse is versatile not only from state to state but also throughout different countries. The specific role of the nurse practitioner will be examined including the guidelines of the state in which you will practice including the educational requirements, licensure, and other regulatory elements….

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