Saudi Arabia & Thailand: Comparative Nursing Paper

Saudi Arabia & Thailand: Comparative Nursing Paper Introduction The two nations that will be utilized for comparison in regards to nursing education are Saudi Arabia and Thailand. These nations are interesting to examine because they are both long histories, especially from the standpoint of such a young nation such as the United States. In addition,…

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Compare and Contrast: LVNs and RNs

The nursing standards of practice and nursing scope of practice are rules and regulations for the given state, that promote competent nursing actions are being performed during clinical practice. Although LVNs and RNs work closely together, they have different nursing scope of practices. The nursing scope of practices promotes client and nurse’s safety, competent nursing…

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Preeclampsia: The Importance of Education

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey for a Women, however, it can also be a stressful or even a life threating experience.  A mother’s anticipation for her new baby carries her through the fear of numerous possible complications that can affect herself or her baby. When a life threatening complication such as preeclampsia develop, many become…

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Non-ST Segment Elevated Myocardial Infarction: Patient Management and Education

Mr Dawkins is a 75-year-old male who had non-ST segment elevated myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) and new onset congestive cardiac failure (CCF). He has coronary artery disease (CAD) and underwent coronary artery grafting and percutaneous coronary intervention previously. However, the interventions were not very effective. Mr Dawkins had impairment of cardiac function as he had experienced…

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Importance of Nurse Education of Patients

Introduction Client focused education is a series of planned actions directed at producing specific learning outcomes requiring a systematic interaction between nurse and client. (Berman,2016).  A nurse’s ability to think critically is vital in establishing actions, strategies, priorities and goals using clinical judgement to achieve desired patient outcomes, so to maintain optimal health. (Burton 2013)…

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Health Promotion Education

Health promotion or education strategies are applicable to all health problems and are not restricted to any particular health issue or particular group of behaviours. World Health Organization (WHO) (1986) explains that health promotion entails the processes which make possible people to enhance their understanding and control their health in order to improve their health….

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Role of a Mentor within Pre-registration Midwifery Education

The aim of this assignment is to critically analyse the theoretical principles involved in teaching and learning for personal and professional practice. I will critically evaluate the role of a mentor within pre-registration midwifery education through personal reflection. I have attached details in appendix one which explores the experience and my feelings. To maintain confidentiality…

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Education and Assessment of Proper Electrocardiagram Lead Placement

Electrocardiogram lead placement – Implementation Paper Executive Summary Electrocardiography (ECG) is a diagnostic test that has been used for over a century.  ECGs are one of the most common diagnostic tools to assess for signs of cardiac disease.  With nearly 50 million ECGs performed annually worldwide, it is vital to ensure that this widely used…

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Developing Practice and Peer Education

Developing Practice and Peer Education Introduction A Practice Educator is defined by the College of Paramedics, (COP), (COP, 2017) as a multi-faceted role with numerous clinical and educational responsibilities towards the learner or student paramedic such as being a good leader, role model, assessor, mentor, coach and teacher in a practice based educational environment. The…

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