Benefits of Birth Defects Research: Case for Studying Environmental Factors

Introduction Most human diseases have a genetic component. For some, a genetic alteration is the primary or direct cause. In this category fall chromosomal conditions, which are due to a change in the number or structure of chromosomes, affecting many genes (e.g., trisomy 21) and monogenic or Mendelian diseases, due to the presence of pathogenic…

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Critique of Nursing Research Article Exploring Drug Abstinence Following Behavioural Therapy

The article chosen to be critiqued is titled “Achieving Drug and Alcohol Abstinence Among Recently Incarcerated Homeless Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Dialectical Behavioral Therapy-Case Management With a Health Promotion Program”. The abstract of the article is detailed and clearly outlines the different components throughout the article. The abstract written by Nyamathi et al….

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An Analysis of Research in Missed Nursing Care

An Analysis of Research in Missed Nursing Care Evidence based practice is the core of the nursing process, and the decisions we make in the field are backed by researcher’s ability to collect and interpret data. Researchers have many tools and methods available to accomplish this, and each method has its place and purpose. Whether…

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Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Musculoskeletal Infection Research Study Analysis

Research Designs and Participants’ Protection Before examining different types of research designs, it is essential to describe what research design purpose is.  A research design is the set of strategies and methods utilized in obtaining, collecting, and analyzing measures of the variables defined in the problem research (Tappen, 2016).  “ Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Musculoskeletal Infection Cases…

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The Risk Factor of Age on Ovarian Cancer

Abstract This research paper explores one risk factor of ovarian cancer, expose the pathogenesis of age correlation with ovarian cancer, state the risk factors’ effects on epigenetics,  as well as to emphasis on methods of detection and prevention.  It is usually not possible to know the exact reason of  why one person develops cancer and…

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Research Methodologies and Ethical Principles Underpinning Research

Essay to demonstrate an understanding of research methodologies and ethical principles underpinning research. This essay uses the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN, 2018) checklist to critically appraise the methodologies of two quantitative and two qualitative research articles on the management and treatment of pressure ulcers (PU’s). The four articles retrieved for this essay include the…

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Emerging Adults and the Higher Risk for Sexual Assault Research

Abstract The purpose of this research paper was to investigate the population of emerging adults’ (18-30) risk for sexual assault and emerging adults’ involvement in risky alcohol consumption. This research highlights the importance of preventing emerging adults in contributing to alcohol abuses that can expose them to vulnerable situations and often affect them long-term also….

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The Future of Cancer Treatment

ABSTRACT Cancer comprises several diseases that are characterized by abnormal cell growth. There are over one hundred varieties of cancer usually named for their cell or organ type. Cancer is the root cause of death across the world evidenced by WHO which established that around one in six deaths all over the world are due…

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Processes and Methods for Parademic Research

The purpose of this paper is to discuss and explain the processes involved in research and the methods involved. It will also explore the principles underpinning quantitative and qualitative research. As part of the paper I will critique an article titled ‘Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in the toilet in Japan: a population-based descriptive study’ (Kiyohara et…

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Population Health and Diabetes: A Public Health Concern

Abstract The aim of this paper is to discuss the definition of population health and healthcare systems approaches to improve the quality of care for patients with diabetes. To date, value-based care is an emerging solution for people to get the appropriate care needed at an affordable rate. Integrated delivery systems as such as patient-centered…

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