Reflection on Care Interventions and Decision Making

Reflective evaluation of care interventions in mental health nursing Introduction This essay is a reflective examination of a care episode in the domain of mental health nursing, in relation to the processes of nursing decision making, clinical reasoning, and processes associated with patient care planning and management. The reflection on elements or aspects of care,…

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Reflection on Nursing Communication Scenario

Introduction to communication skills Communication is a vital part of the nurse’s role. Theorists such as Peplau (1952), Rogers (1970) and King (1971) all emphasise therapeutic communication as a primary part of nursing and a major focus of nursing practice. Long (1992) further suggests that communication contains many components including presence, listening, perception, caring, disclosure, acceptance, empathy,…

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Impact of Asthma and Impact Reduction Strategies in Australia

Asthma Introduction: Asthma is an inflammatory disease of the lung.  Asthma causes are still unknown, but researchers have labelled asthma as genetic (hereditary) and can be caused by environmental factors (, 2019). The swelling process can happen throughout the whole airway from the nose to the lung. As the airway becomes inflamed, it becomes tighter,…

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Asthma and the Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT)

Introduction Lung disease is any pathology that occurs in the lung components and causes the lungs not to function properly and this may lead to serious problems that may cause death. They are considered the third killing factor worldwide. Lung diseases include emphysema , bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary failure, pneumonia, tuberculosis and pulmonary embolism. These…

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Asthma and the School-Age Child: The 6 Year Old

Lorna V. Tablazon Karen Rouleau Asthma is a chronic (long-term) disease that makes it hard to breathe. Asthma can’t be cured, but it can be managed. With proper treatment, people with asthma can lead normal, active lives (Canadian Lung Association, 2014). There can be many causes for asthma, it may run in the family through…

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Risk Factors of Asthma

Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction: Thesis/ Hypothesis: Motivation: Background information Terminology Arguments Argument 1 Gender and age Allergy and asthma Genetic and asthma Argument 2 Smoking and asthma Overweight and asthma Argument 3 Poverty and asthma Air pollution and asthma Climate and asthma Conclusion Limitations Works Cited Appendix Introduction: Asthma has been one of…

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Nursing Educational Portfolio

A long-term condition is the description given to an illness or disease that has no existing cure but can be managed by drug therapies and ongoing reviews (Buesa-Estelléz et al., 2019). Around two million people, (40% of the Scottish population) suffer from long-term conditions, meaning that at least one in four people will have a…

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Reflection on Mental Health Education

Reporting. Mental illness treatments have a long history of bizarre and inhumane practices being performed on mentally ill patients which has given rise to a variety of professional, social as well as ethical issues. (Evans, 2009) At first, the situation in the given article seemed quite normal to me because my thought process was based…

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Interventions to Develop Education for Diabetic Patients

Research literature design and implications of young diabetic adults aged 18 to 40 years of patient education is a vital healthcare needs in the contemporary generation. This is a growing concern in many countries. The impact of diabetes is profoundly affected by morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs in the USA. According to The Centers for…

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Asthma: Pathophysiology- Education and Health Promotion

Diagnosis: Based on the HPI, ROS, PE, and diagnostic tests, the diagnosis is most likely to be an acute asthma exacerbation. Episodes of an asthma attack are mostly triggered by exposures to an allergen, including: grass, pollen, dust or animal dander (Tillie-Leblond, Gosset, & Tonnel, 2005). Some triggers also include air irritants such as chemical…

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