Treatment of Malignant Brain Tumours in Children

What is the most effective treatment in treating malignant brain tumours in children? I have looked into various treatments for malignant brain tumours in children, however, in order to determine which treatment is the most effective; I have explored other factors regarding this. I will outline what a brain tumour is, the main types of…

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Communication – sending and receiving verbal information

Communication is the complex process of sending and receiving verbal information. The communication process plays a very important role in the profession of nursing. Daily the nurses have to deal with a huge number of patients of diverse background. Some belong to educated background and understands thing very well but some are not educated, and…

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Presentation on Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Reflection

INTRODUCTION As a part of my Overseas Nursing Programme, I had to conduct a seminar presentation on any topic of my interest in front of students. I was given the date of presentation. Knowledge expands through communication and presentation is a means of communication and best applicable when delivering knowledge to a group. Presentation means…

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Continuing Professional Development in Health and Social Care Practitioner

C3 (4.1) – Describe continuing professional development (CPD). A CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development as it refers to the process of tracking and documenting the skills, knowledge and experience that practitioner tend to gain formal and informal as practitioner will be working alongside. CPD mean that professional are getting training within you job roles…

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Critical Evaluation of Adverse Events in the Acute Environment

The aim of this essay is the critical evaluation of adverse events in the acute environment. Adverse event (AE) can be defined as an unattended and harmful effect which is caused by healthcare management that has or may cause harm to patient/s and result in prolonged hospital stay, disability or death (Wyeth, 2014). AE impose…

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Strategies for the Dietary Control of Diabetes

A survey of the recent strategies for the dietary control of diabetes in the Middle East INTRODUCTION Significant changes in the political and socio-economic climates have been the hallmark of the last decade in the many of the countries in the Middle East especially those located in the territories of the Arabian Gulf. These changes…

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The relationship between occupation and health

Discuss the relationship between occupation and health, and recognise factors which facilitate occupational performance. In the context of this essay “occupation” is taken to encompass care of self, leisure and employment (American Occupational Therapy Association: Uniform Terminology, 1994) whereby the person interacts with the environment. These areas are not mutually exclusive. It is the “ordinary…

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Analysis of Canadas Healthcare System

INTRODUCTION Canada is a developed country located in the northern part of North America. In 1867, it became a self-governing state while retaining its tie with the British crown. When it comes to economic and technology, Canada is developing in parallel to its neighbour to the south, which is the United State of America. It…

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Pathogenesis- Prevention and Control of Lyme Disease in Public Health

Introduction Lyme disease is a zoonotic disease and was first recognised in 1975 in Connecticut, U.S., by Dr. Burgdofer ( Discovery of the disease agent causing Lyme disease , 2018). The disease is transmitted from bacteria to vertebrae animals, including dogs, horses, birds, livestock and humans, through the bite of an infected tick. What is…

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Effectiveness of Dementia Care Mapping on Patient Centred Care

A report into what is the effectiveness of Dementia Care Mapping (DCM) on patient-centred care for patients living with dementia in care home? This assignment will explore Evidence Based Practice (EBP), explain what it is and how significant it is in current day nursing which is evidence-based. A clinically researchable question will be formulated and…

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