The Role of the Nurse Practitioner

Nurse practitioners meet the needs of underserved communities or those who lack access to care by joining primary care medical services with advanced practice nursing skills. The nurse practitioner (NP) profession began in response to a lack of primary care providers in urban and rural areas in the United States. The first NP program was…

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The Effect of Different Antibiotics on Bacteria

Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria. Bacteria can cause infections such as strep throat, ear infections, urinary tract infections, and sinus infections (sinusitis). There are many types of antibiotics. Each works a little differently and acts on different types of bacteria. Don’t antibiotics cure everything? Antibiotics are powerful medicines, but they cannot cure everything. Antibiotics…

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Relationship Between Sedentary Lifestyle and Obesity

Topic: Is the rise in Childhood Obesity a result of a sedentary lifestyle or due to pre-disposing factors? Executive Summary This review examines the relationship that predisposing factors and sedentary lifestyles have on childhood obesity. The authors of the article “Childhood Obesity: Trends and Potential Causes, state that there is not just one factor that…

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Benefits of Breastfeeding and Stages of Child Feeding

Breastfeeding is the oldest method of feeding a child and has existed since the beginning of time. Most of the mothers received advice on the methods of feeding their infants and it comes from a variety of different sources like relatives or their mothers, health professionals, friends, books, magazines and baby food manufacturers. Similar findings…

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Risk Factors of Asthma

Table of Contents (Jump to) Introduction: Thesis/ Hypothesis: Motivation: Background information Terminology Arguments Argument 1 Gender and age Allergy and asthma Genetic and asthma Argument 2 Smoking and asthma Overweight and asthma Argument 3 Poverty and asthma Air pollution and asthma Climate and asthma Conclusion Limitations Works Cited Appendix Introduction: Asthma has been one of…

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Health Effects of Occupational Exposure: Case Study

A newly recruited employee at a furniture manufacturing plant has recently been complaining of cough, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Symptoms start soon after commencing work and continue throughout the day and night. They improve on the weekends but return as soon as he starts work again. What are the possible diagnoses and which…

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Probiotics for the Treatment of Peanut Allergies

Probiotics for the treatment of peanut allergy The original study paper by Tang et al 2015 examines probiotic with peanut oral immunotherapy (PPOIT) for management of peanut allergy and was carried out in Australia.  The results from this can potentially be used to apply to the UK population.  The allocation of 62 patients is randomised…

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The Reflective Report Audit Trail Nursing Essay

I wish to reflect on the whole learning activities that I have been done for this module in this reflective report. I have learned a few strengths and potential weaknesses of myself which would help me in my future journey. I derive five important skills while go through this process which are communication skills, presentation…

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Reflection Of Communication Skills Relevant To Clinical Scenario

In 2006, a patient named Robin became pregnant. In the 5th month of pregnancy, the patient began having trouble with diarrhoea and then developed a severe infection in her upper respiratory system. Robin’s obstetrician immediately hospitalized her and within 24 hours, Robin had a temperature of 105 degrees and was in preterm labour. Just before…

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