Just like anything else, the use of opioid to treat chronic pain has benefits and side effects. Chronic pain is a pain that lasts longer than 3 to 6 months. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports in 2016 revealed that about 20.4 percent of U.S. adults had chronic pain. People with constant pain…
Assessment of Pressure Ulcers and Reliability of Risk Assessment Tools
The purpose of this assignment, is to identify a patient, under the care of the district nursing team, with a Grade 1 pressure ulcer, to their sacral area. To begin with, it will give a brief overview of the patient and their clinical history. Throughout the assignment the patient will be referred to as Mrs…
Evidence Based Practice Impact Of Nurses Nursing Essay
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is widely recognised within the role of nursing. Its implementation and purpose in the delivery of care is seen as an important driver for nursing practice and clinical outcomes (Cullen & Adams 2010). It has been defined as the: “…conscientious integration of best research evidence with clinical expertise and patients values and…
Annotated Bibliography: Integrating Occupational Therapy into Elderly Care
Annotated Bibliography Dickson, K. L., & Toto, P. E. (2018). Feasibility of integrating occupational therapy into a care coordination program for aging in place. American Journal of Occupational Therapy , 72(4), 1-7. doi: 10.5014/ajot.2018.031419. Long-term services and supports are available to older adults who wish to age in place even though they may experience age-related…
Integrated Occupational Therapy Practice Case Study
Introduction This report will focus on the occupational therapy (OT) process for Meera (Appendix A), a 56-year-old woman with a left cerebral vascular accident (CVA). Stroke is the death of brain cells due to the lack of oxygen (Bartels et al. 2016).It can either present as haemorrhagic or ischaemic in nature. Risk factors of CVA…
Mental Health Professionals Risk Assessment Health And Social Care Essay
This assessment item requires students to compare and contrast traditional risk assessment approaches that offer static predictions of risk versus risk assessment approaches that offer dynamic holistic predictions of risk. Students are expected to research theoretical and empirical literature. This assignment emphasizes academic writing skills. Since the 1980s there has been increased pressure on mental…
Health Risks of Weight Gain and Obesity
This essay will analyse some of the main health risks posed by weight gain and obesity such as the risk of developing chronic heart disease, diabetes and cancer. It will also discuss some of the factors that can impact on wellbeing and the strategies in place nationally to promote healthy living habits. The World Health…
How Research Has Changed Nursing At The Bedside Nursing Essay
Research is crucial in defining the best practices of the nursing profession. It provides a means of ascertaining efficient medical practices and further advancing the existing body of knowledge regarding nursing. This paper therefore seeks to find out how research has revolutionized conventional nursing. The emerging technological changes and adjustments in health care policies have…
Role of Fast Food in Increasing Childhood Obesity
The pandemic of childhood obesity is something that should be concerning to the individuals of our country as it is something that can be prevented. Within the last 3 decades, child obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents. In 1980, only about 7% of US children between the ages of 6…
Examples Of Acute Injuries Health And Social Care Essay
To be fit and healthy it is important that you exercise, however, exercise too much and you could injure yourself. This can be caused by; An accident while training Insufficient equipment Pushing yourself too hard Not warming up properly Sports injuries can be classed into two categories; Acute injury Overuse injury An acute injury is…