Physical Therapist Assistants: Role and Requirements

Rodny German Sotolongo Physical therapist assistants (PTAs) are health care providers who work as part of a team to provide physical therapy services under the supervision of licensed therapists. They assist individuals of all ages from young to old who have medical problems that deter them from performing their daily chores. They also teach patients…

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Pulsed Radio Frequency Energy as Physical Therapy

CHAPTER V DISCUSSION Many adults with vascular disease and/or diabetes suffer with chronic leg or foot ulcers, leading to loss of functional ability, poor quality of life and long term ill-health. Studies on patients with chronic leg ulcers have reported the average duration of these ulcers is around 12-13 months, around 60-70% of patients have…

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Pulmonary Hypertension And Physical Therapy Health And Social Care Essay

The aim of this study is to clarify physical therapys role in rehabilitating pulmonary hypertension (PH) patients, by explaining PH with regard to its history, etiology, prevalence, anatomy of pulmonary arteries, definition, subgroups, patophysiology, its causes, how it is diagnosed, and its signs and symptoms. History Pulmonary Hypertension was first discovered in 1981 by Dr….

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Physical Therapy: Is This the Right Career for Me

The biggest question students studying to become physical therapists ask themselves is, “am I choosing the right career for myself?” Physical therapy is a great field to get into because there are a variety of excellent paying job opportunities and helping people every day is the goal. Hospitals are the most known area that a…

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Physical therapy management to reduce post operative CABG

Coronary Artery Bypass Graft surgery (CABG) is a medical procedure used in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD is a disease that causes narrowing of the coronary arteries (the blood vessels that supply oxygen and nutrients to the heart muscle) due to the accumulation of fatty deposits called plaques within the walls of…

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Role of Physical Therapy in Medical Treatment.

Role of Physical Therapy in medical treatment. The study of physical therapy is generally termed as physical and rehabilitation medicine (PRM). It should be kept in mind that it is a new and developing branch of modern medicine.  It is always considered as an alternative way of conventional medical treatment, which is somehow correct. But…

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Role Of Nurse Promoting Health

This essay will look at the role of the nurse in promoting health of female adults (25-45) in terms of sexual health and behaviour. It will give definitions of Sexual health and promotion, which will also cover areas such as health models in relation to sexual health and behaviour. It will give an overview of…

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Utilising Health Promotion Models

Health promotion is a new public health initiative which has been integrated into governmental strategies to improve health either within a family, a community, health institutions and work places. It refers to effort to prevent ill health and promote positive health with the aim of enabling people to take control over their own health (Wills,…

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Amputation Of Arms And Legs Health And Social Care Essay

Multiple health need is a theoretical account to have an comprehensive view on multiple interwebbing needs of a client which pairs health and social issues. There cannot be a common frame work for the complex needs for all, but it is individual specific and need separate response from care givers. (Rankin & Regan) Client Discussion…

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Reimbursement Issues For Nurse Practitioner Health And Social Care Essay

The Balanced Budget Act of 1997 was unquestionably a frontward step for advanced practice nurses (APNs).  Payment is remarkably allowed for all settings as long as no other provider fee or other facility fee was being paid in relationship to the assistance supplied by the APN.  The various constraints on settings for services provided by…

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