PBL – Stroke Case Study

Written by: Yung Bing Yong Introduction The brain is the primary organ of the centre nervous system that controls our body and houses our mind. It is metabolically active and dependent on a continuous supply of oxygenated blood. If the blood supply is interrupted, the brain could not function normally, resulting a rapid appearance of…

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The Epidemiology of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Introduction According to Alcohol Concern Organisation (2015) more than 9 million people in England consume alcoholic beverages more than the recommended daily limits. In relation to this, the National Health Service (2015) actually recommends no more than 3 to 4 units of alcohol a day for men and 2 to 3 units a day for…

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Relationship Between Evidence Based Practice And Research Process Nursing Essay

This essay concerns itself with the relationship between evidence based practice and the research process. Section A will address the definition of the research process, the various types and levels of evidence and it will describe how this is implemented into clinical practice highlighting any barriers of implementation. Section B will concentrate on critiquing two…

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Specific Needs of the Older Person with Dementia

Introduction In this project I am going to explain what dementia is, explore the physiological and psychological changes that occur for the older person with dementia and their needs in relation to this condition. I am also going to cover the role of the carer and multidisciplinary team in assisting the person with dementia focussing…

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HIV Screening for Pregnant Mothers | Research

INTRODUCTION “There is such a special sweetness in being able to participate in creation” – Pamela S.Nadev “Passing the disease to a new born is a human rights violation. This should stop and all of us must try to make this a success,” Oscar Fernandes (Head of Forum of parliamentarians on HIV/AIDS) reportedly said when…

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Psychedelics as Treatment for Depression in Patients with Dementia

Psychedelics as Treatment for Depression in Patients with Dementia Literature Review Older adults Aging is an inevitable part of life. Approximately 20% of the population in developed countries is comprised of adults over 60 years old (Wick, et al., 2000). The average life expectancy continues to grow meaning the risk of an individual developing an…

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Research Design | Risks to Relapses in Alcoholism

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION “There is this to be said in favor of drinking that it takes the drunk and first out of society then Out of the world.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Alcohol is a central nervous system stimulant at low doses, and depressant at higher doses. Alcohol beverages come in range of different strengths….

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Radiation Exposure In Intraoral Radiography Health And Social Care Essay

Dental radiography is one of the most frequent types of radiological procedures performed. One of the projections that have been done in the dental radiography is the intraoral radiography, which means the film is put inside the patient’s mouth. The intraoral can be divided into four, which are bitewing view, periapical view, occlusal view and…

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Research Into Job Satisfaction Among Nurses

Nurses in most healthcare facilities have some of the highest levels of direct patient contact of any employees. Nursing force plays an essential role in achieving organizational goals and providing high quality care to the community. Hospitals are important health care and social system where nurses are the cornerstones for their effectiveness and efficiency. Many…

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Impact of Health Inequalities on Parkinsons Disease Patient

In the department of health publication from ‘Vision to Reality’ (2001), the minister for public health, Yvette Cooper, and the chief medical officer, Professor Liam Donaldson, stated the following: ‘At the beginning of 21 st century, your chances of a healthy life still depend on what job you do, where you live, and how much…

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