Therapeutic Milieu And Mental Health Nursing Nursing Essay

Therapeutic milieu is “the controlled environment of treatment facilities that shelters patients from what they perceive to be painful and frightening stressors, thus providing them with a stable and coherent social environment that facilitates the development and implementation of treatment.” (Stuart, 2009) The chief purpose of selecting this topic is that it is an exclusive…

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Mental Health Nursing And Concepts Of Behavioral Psychology Nursing Essay

During my mental health clinical rotation i came across a 35 years old male patient admitted with complain of hallucinations delusions, obsession, aggression, and self talkative behavior. During history patient reveals that his parents get separate when he was seven years old and he was single child shifted with his mother at that time. His…

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The History and Perception of Mental Health Nursing

Mental health nursing, also called psychiatric nursing, is among the newest of the recognized fields within the nursing profession. While cases of “possession” and “witchcraft” date back from the beginning of written record, cases of nurses caring for the mentally ill only date back a few centuries. Even then, psychiatric-mental health nursing only began to…

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The Therapeutic Communication And Mental Health Nursing Essay

Therapeutic communication is a practice in which the nurse deliberately controls a client or assists the client to an improved understanding through verbal or nonverbal interaction. (Mosby’s Medical Dictionary, 2009). According to Russell Delucas 2010, therapeutic communication is a type of psychotherapy that uses vocal and nonverbal skills. It is an interpersonal relation between the…

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The Importance of Assessment in Mental Health Nursing

The assignment will discuss the importance of assessment in Mental Health nursing, focusing on a 54 year old lady suffering from major depression. The Department of Health (DoH, 2010) pointed out that depression is a disorder of mood and may be characterised by low mood and feelings of unhappiness, exhaustion, self blame and suicidal thoughts….

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Ensuring Effective Assessment In Psychiatry And Mental Health Nursing Essay

In the domain of psychiatry and specifically in the area of mental health nursing, it is essential that an early, quality assessment with accurate information is gathered about the patient. Psychotic, neurotic and depressed behaviours are all different. Sullivan (1990) makes it clear that poor assessment and/or misinterpretation of a patient’s presentation can be critical…

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Essay On Developing Autonomous Practice In Mental Health Nursing Essay

In this essay I will give a profile of a service user in whose care I participated in, during my clinical placement. The client’s background and history to date will be described, a critical analysis of the individual’s current psychological, physical and social needs will be provided by selecting and using published therapeutic/theoretical approaches. Furthermore…

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Evidence Based Practice And Community Psychiatric Nurses

Nursing is a profession accountable to society for providing high quality cost-effective care for patients and their families (Burns & Grove, 2007). This assignment will define evidence based practice and its significance in the nursing process. In addition, it will critically analyse the research article ‘Community Psychiatric Nurses’ experience of working with people who engage…

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A Solution For Autonomy Crisis In Mental Health Nursing Essay

Autonomy has always been the humans basic need in order to make firm identity and to be acountable on ones own self.Individual autonomy is an idea that is generally understood as the capacity to live life according to reasons and motives that are taken as one’s own and not the product of manipulative or distorting…

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Study On Comprehensive Mental Health Nursing Assessment

A written account of a comprehensive mental health nursing assessment and plan of care for a selected client who has multiple health problems. This account must critically reflect on communication with other agencies and evidence of working with the client and or family in a collaborative manner. Particular attention should be paid to national policies…

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