Critical Thinking Skills in Patient Diagnosis and Care

Case Study: Mrs. Wong The basis of this paper is to enhance critical thinking skills when it comes to diagnosis and plan of care for Mrs. Wong by utilizing the information in the case study to formulate a primary diagnosis, secondary diagnosis, and differential diagnoses based off positive and negative findings in subjective and objective…

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Case Report of Secondary Narcolepsy

Title of the article: “ Case Report of Secondary Narcolepsy presenting as self-inflicted genital injury ” Abstract: Primary Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder with classical presentation showing tetrad of excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and Hypnogogic hallucinations. Some conditions that result in secondary narcolepsy include traumatic brain injury, tumors, and stroke. [1] A rare…

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Patient Case Study: Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Health History ●       Patient: J.D. ●       Age: 30 years old ●       Gender: Female ●       Ethnicity: Hispanic ●       Chief complaint: cold sweats, nausea, vomiting, and disorientation. ●       The patient’s history of present illness on admission includes type I diabetes and missing insulin administration, which led to diabetic ketoacidosis (Bedaso, Oltaye, Geja, & Ayalew, 2019). ●       Past…

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Health Policy Regarding To Smoking Health And Social Care Essay

This essay will demonstrate the government health policies regarding to smoking including with changes in health care field from the development of NHS with current scenario. It is important to know what is policy. Policy is a collection of different ideas and methods which is used for the improvement in any field including health care…

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Disparities in Health: Diabetes Type 2 in Hispanics

Disparities in Health; Diabetes Type 2 in Hispanics Health disparities are prevalent globally. The disparities occur within the social groupings of the world population. It takes an array of dimensions such as a long socioeconomic status, age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability status, and ethnicity. The differences experienced in healthcare limit the country’s health plans…

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Assessing Care Plan Benefits for Diabetic Review Appointments

Abstract Diabetes is a growing endemic and places a significant financial burden on the NHS. NICE guidelines recommend using a patient centred approach and individualised management plan. Annual review appointments with a doctor or a diabetic nurse are an ideal opportunity to address various factors, but the impact can be limited due to time constraints…

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The Dangers Of Passive Smoking Health Essay

Passive smoking is breathing in the smoke of smokers, cigars or pipes. Environmental smoke includes the smoke exhaled from the smoker and the smoke emitted from the burning cigarette. Stream smoke from the burning cigarettes tend to wander in the room longer and the concentrations of carcinogens than the smoke exhaled from the smoker. So…

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Child Malnutrition In Somalia Health And Social Care Essay

Fifty three percent of children in Somalia have the risk of malnutrition (UN). With the increasing drought and violence rate, thousands of Somalis have fled in search for work in countries that border Somalia. The information assembled for this project includes behavioral, environmental dynamics of Malnutrition in children, and an explicit point of convergence of…

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Essay on the Benefits of Art Therapy

Art therapy is part of communicative therapy that focuses on the creative process for building up an artistic approach to recover a person’s mental, physical, & emotional well-being. The artistic process involve in one expressing itself artistically which can support people to understand issues and to develop and accomplish their feelings and behavior, to reduce stress…

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Nutrition and Genetics in Colorectal Cancer

BACKGROUND Historically colorectal cancer (CRC) is diagnosed very often among men and women in the United States. Many studies have investigated the role of gene-diet interactions in the developing process of colorectal cancer (Kantor and Giovanucci, 2016). It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by saying the word diet. Diet is defined…

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