Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injury

Introduction Knee injuries are very common in sports; understanding mechanism of injury is an important aspect for diagnosing and managing them effectively (Webb and Corry, 2000; Bahr and Krosshaug, 2005). While making a precise diagnosis, it is necessary to re-evaluate the knee at different stages since acute examination of injury is often difficult and might…

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Development of Holistic Teaching Project: Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga: Holistic Teaching Project Have you ever heard “laughter is the best medicine”?  How do you feel after laughing?  Happy? Carefree?  Laughing always makes me feel good.  It can be said that laughing is good for your body, soul, and it releases stress.  Laughter has many healthy benefits such as increasing blood flow, boosts…

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Nerve And Tendon Gliding Exercises Health And Social Care Essay

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome was first described by Sir James Paget in 1854 but the term was coined by Moeirisch. It is a syndrome of compression neuropathy of median nerve at the wrist. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome results in considerable discomfort and pain, limitation of activities of daily living, loss of sleep and work disability. (Levine et…

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Barriers to the HPV Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening for BAME Women

What are the Barriers of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination and Cervical Cancer Screening amongst Minority Women age 12-26? Abstract Background: Minority women systematically experience socio-economic disadvantages, which put them in the face of greater obstacles in attaining optimal health. Approximately 44 million women in the United States, nearly one third of all women in America,…

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Birth Control: History- Methods and Issues

David Birth Control Introduction How amazing would it be if we lived in a utopia where people can choose whether or not to get pregnant after unprotected sex and have no Sexual Transmitted Diseases(STD). Sexual Transmitted Diseases(STD) are diseases that has a high chance to be transmitted between humans by sexual intercourse, such as but…

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Nursing Essays – Nurse Patient Safety

Nurse Patient Safety The ICU Nurse and Patient Safety Abstract Nurses play a central role in direct patient care and safety surveillance at the point of care. This role suggests a need for consensus on a core set of measures that can be used to monitor safe practices and guide resource allocation decisions that affect…

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Exercise as an Intervention for Anorexia Nervosa

Exercise as an Effective Intervention for Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa Introduction Eating disorders (ED) are serious and dilapidating psychiatric conditions that affect individuals through adverse physiological, behavioral, and cognitive manifestations. Anorexia Nervosa (AN), characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight through self-starvation, is the most common ED and the deadliest mental health disorder (Fisher…

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Quantitative Research in Health- Safety- and Environment

Casey Bird Abstract In this article, quantitative research in the health, safety, and environmental (HSE) field will be discussed. The primary quantitative tool utilized is the safety committee. With the safety committee, direct communication lines with management on issues in the field can be achieved. Quantitative research provides the ability to understand other people’s safety…

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Research Proposal Form Example: Health Research

Josefina B. dela Cuesta Purpose “What are the stress management techniques of Health Care Assistant of St John’s Hospital?” The Purpose of the study is to determine the stress management technique of health care assistant of St John’s Hospital and through this it will benefit them by identifying the different coping mechanism that will help…

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Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Patient Case Study

Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Patient Case Study The primary focus of this paper is to discuss and perform an in-depth analysis of several cardiac risk factors exhibited by a 55-year-old patient interviewed by the author, a student nurse. This paper will also go over ways to modify either the risk factors themselves, or ways to change…

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