Evidence-based Practice in Wound Cleansing

Introduction This essay defines the concept of evidence-based practice and discusses the importance of evidence-based practice for professional practice. The essay also selects an aspect of practice that is relevant to adult nursing, namely the use of water vs. saline for wound cleansing, provides a rationale for choosing that aspect within the context of evidence…

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Benefits of Evidence Based Practice (EBP)

Evidence Based Practice, also known as EBP according to (Liamputtong, 2013) is a “process that requires the practitioner to find best empirical evidence about the effectiveness or efficacy of different treatment options and then determine the relevance of the evidence to a particular client’s situation”. EBP values, enhances, and builds on the clinical proficiency, knowledge…

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Significance of Evidence Based Practice in Nursing

Nursing is a profession accountable to society for providing high quality cost-effective care for patients and their families (Burns & Grove, 2007). This assignment will define evidence based practice and its significance in the nursing process. In addition, it will critically analyse the research article ‘Community Psychiatric Nurses’ experience of working with people who engage…

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Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Essay

Introduction Evidence based practice is a complex experience that requires synthesizing study findings to establish the best research evidence and correlate ideas to form a body of empirical knowledge (Burns & Grove 2007). There are many definitions but the most commonly used is Sackett et al (1996). Sackett et al (1996) as cited in Pearson,…

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Attitudes Towards Implementation of Evidence Based Practice

Introduction The term of evidence based practice (EBP) was firstly used in medicine as evidence based medicine, after that the term developed and being used in nursing with purpose of build up scientific database to improve nursing as science (Colyer and Kamath, 1999). Evidence based practice was passed through three stages; in which the EBP…

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Caring for the Dementia Patient: Evidence Based Practice

Lisa Krier The population of elderly people in society is continually increasing, which places demands on the health care system. Drugs are extensively used in the elderly, and when the patients have dementia, this raises their level of vulnerability (Jedenius, Johnell, Fastbom, Stromqvist, Winbald & Andreasen, 2011). The administration of psychotropic drugs to dementia patients…

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Reducing Childhood Obesity: Health Promotion or CBT

NuRS21010 Understanding Evidence-Based Nursing Practice Concept Terms Boolean Operator Hits Population: Childhood Childhood, young people, children, child, youth. (Childhood obesity or young people or children or child or your ) and health promotion or cognitive behavioural therapy 38 Intervention: health promotion Health, promotion, (Childhood obesity or young people or children or child or your )…

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Evidence Based Practice in Child Health Care

Tamara J. Hall APN Role Utilize evidence based practice guidelines to manage the comprehensive health care needs of children ages birth to 19 years in a culturally sensitive manner within the medical home model that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration. Research, Evidence Based Practice, and Quality Improvement Research is the methodical examination of established information or new…

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Reviews in Evidence-based Practice

In an era of evidence-based nursing, care providers need to base their clinical decisions on the preferences of patients, their clinical expertise, as well as the current best available research evidence relevant for practice (Beaven and McHugh, 2003; Mulhall, 1998; Sackett and Rosenberg, 1995). EBP, as a decision-making process which integrates the best available research,…

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Evidence Based Practice In Nursing

I am a staff nurse of six years of working experience, attached to a well established private hospital with 200 beds and I am attached to a pediatric ward and currently there are 30 beds available in my unit. Although it is a specialized unit, not all the staffs are specialized in this area. However,…

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