Review of Literature on Clinical Guidelines in Patient Care

This brief considers the empirical literature on the use of clinical guidelines in patient care. It is argued that negative guideline characteristics and justified concerns amongst doctors negate satisfactory adherence. Clinical guidelines have been part of the UK landscape for many decades, as a means of improving health care for patients (Woolf et al, 1999)….

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Infertility and Celiac Disease

Title- Celiac disease presenting as unexplained infertility and pancytopenia- A Case Report Abstract – Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine significant association with several extraintestinal features, such as reproductive disorders in women with undiagnosed celiac disease. Worldwide, CD prevalence is approximately 1%. Several studies suggest a higher prevalence of undiagnosed CD…

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MRSA Resistance to Anti-biotics

Discuss how MRSA became resistant to antibiotics and became such a prevalent organism associated with British hospitals. Explain how MRSA is treated and touch upon the wider implications for antibiotics and the future of healthcare. Introduction It may be argued that micro-organisms are the most successful life form on the planet partly due to their…

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Preventing Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI)

Introduction Clinical governance is important for providing safe care to patients and is essential to continuous improvement in patient safety.(vicgov) One of the key components in relation to this safety and quality issue in health care is preventing and controlling healthcare associated infections(HAI) which plays a significant role in poor outcomes of patients.(sahealth) To prevent…

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Hand Washing in Disease Prevention

Introduction The most frequent way of germ spreading is by people’s hands. Most of the times germs are harmless but sometimes they can also be reason for illnesses like flu, cold and gastroenteritis. Washing your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water is one of most important thing you can do to avoid spreading infections…

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Infectious Disease MRSA and the Role of the Nurse Practitioner

Infectious Disease MRSA Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is a common bacteria. About 20-40% of people carry it their noses and may carry it on their skin (Aboualizadeh et al., 2017). Studies show that about 33% people carry staph in their nose, usually without any symptoms or illness (Aboualizadeh et al., 2017). People who have MRSA…

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Silver dressings in treatment of Mrsa in wounds

This assignment is a critical systematic review of three research articles whereby the aim is to determine whether silver dressings are actually effective in the treatment of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). The aim is also for health care professionals and nurses to enhance and develop an increased knowledge about the effectiveness of silver dressings…

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Research On Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Nursing Essay

The topic for this piece of work is Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). This area of research was chosen due to the science and medical aspect behind this very interesting topic. MRSA is a topic of great importance for the general public but also for health professionals, e.g. nurses and doctors. Although it wasn’t until recently…

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The Background And Significance Of MRSA Infection

Infection disease acquired in hospitals have changed during the past decades, Gram-negative pathogens were predominantly responsible. However serious infections were brought under control with the discovery of penicillin, but as resistance to antibiotics spread new and dangerous superbug strains emerged. The main infective threat on the increase in micro-organisms that is resistant to many antibiotics…

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Factors for Infection Prevention and Control

INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL INTRODUCTION In this assignment I will explain what Infection prevention and control is, describe the infection prevention controls in my workplace, describe the correct procedure for hand washing and when I should wash my hands and why, I will also include a hand washing poster in my appendix. I will also…

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