Reflection on Ethical Dilemma: Person Centred Care

The aim of this essay is to describe a situation from practice that involved an ethical or legal dilemma, and to reflect on feelings during this time. To enable reflection, Bouds’ model of reflection will be used, because it allows experiences to be recaptured, thought about and learnt from (Boud et al 1985) Reflective learning…

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Causes and Spread of infection

Outcome 1 – Understand the causes of infection 1:1 Identify the differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites The differences between bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are; Fungi have cell walls made up of chitin (found in outer skeleton of insects, shrimps and lobsters – also used in healing agents). Fungi and parasites are multi…

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Management of Sepsis

Sepsis is defined as the overwhelming response of the human body and life-threatening reaction to a probable or documented infection which results in tissue hypoperfusion and organ dysfunction. Major sepsis had become recently common worldwide. 1 in 4 patients who presents with sepsis is likely to die of septic shock (Dombrovskiy, Martin, Sunderram, & Paz,…

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Reflective Analysis of Viva Voce

Introduction Viva voce and a reflection, both a requirement for successful completion of the course. For somebody not used to this form of assessment process, it is just but normal to ask oneself what? , why? and how?. Although a brief and complete orientation, description and information was provided in the early part of the…

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Patient Care Plan Analysis: Suicide Attempt Case Study

The purpose of this essay is to explore the effectiveness of the care delivered to Mike during clinical placement. In order to achieve this, the essay will demonstrate development of therapeutic relationships through the use of appropriate communication and interpersonal skills will be demonstrated in this essay the essay will look at the formulation and…

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Epidemiology- Transmission- Pathogenesis and Treatment of Legionellosis

Legionella is a facultative, intracellular bacterium that causes legionellosis presenting as either Legionnaires’ disease or Pontiac fever (1). Epidemiology Although over 50 Legionella species have been identified, the clinically relevant species include: Legionella pneumophila , Legionella micdadei and Legionella dumoffii (2). Legionella pneumophila (primarily serogroup 1) causes 95% of legionellosis in Europe, however in Australasia,…

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Alzheimer Disease: The Untouchable Presenile Dementia

One of the most accelerating neurological disorder among the elderly population, Alzheimer disease serves as the common cause for presenile dementia hitting the number of 13.8 million by 2050. (Herbert L.E,  With increasing in ageing population the neurodegenerative disease rises while enhanced and magnified research has been conducted but no productive answer has been…

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Case Study: Socio-Economic Influences on Health

<!–Content Start–> Zivile Mikucioniene Introduction In the year 2005 the health promotion has been defined by World Health Organization. This program enables people to pose control over their health and its determinants. Through a healthy public policy the health promotion program can be occurred. Income, employment, housing, food security and quality working conditions are the…

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Reflective essay: Stroke patient

ASSIGNMENT FROM MOTHER NA’ A Reflective Essay on significant patient care event within a multidisciplinary setting. This will be a reflective analysis on a significant event that I have observed and experienced in clinical placements. A reflective model was not used, as it was too restrictive for the event being analysed, critiqued and discussed. My…

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Development of Innovation in the Clinical Setting: Hydration in Nursing

Introduction This assignment will identify an innovation idea within a clinical setting, exploring different aspects, including the model used, feedback from service users and carers and why this innovation idea may be of use. Innovation is the action or process of transformation. The healthcare industry is constantly growing and transforming. It is crucial that today’s…

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