Knowledge and Perceptions of Type 2 Diabetes Individuals

Miller, and Achterberg (2000) constructed a multiple choice questionnaire to asses the nutrition and food label knowledge among women with type 2 diabetes mellitus who aged from 40 to 60 years. The questions were placed from the easier to the hard so as to foster confidence among the participants. The questions that measure the factual…

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Essay on Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

This assignment is based on my experience of caring for an infant with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) in a Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU). NAS is a set of signs and symptoms experienced by certain infants after a sudden withdrawal of passively transferred intrauterine opioids or other psychoactive substances used by mother during pregnancy (Gomez-Pomar…

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Stress in the Workplace: The Epidemic of Police Officers Declining Health

Stress in the Workplace: The Epidemic of Police Officers Declining Health Introduction There are many careers that are impacted by occupational stress that can lead to negative emotional, physical and mental outcomes. Police officers are highly impacted by their jobs and are more likely to develop health problems than other careers. This is why it…

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Therapeutic Management of Parkinsons Disease in Adults

1) Pathophysiology and clinical manifestations Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive condition of the nervous system in which parts of the brain deteriorate gradually. It is marked by both motor symptoms (i.e. bradykinesia, rigidity, postural instability) and non-motor symptoms (i.e. excessive daytime sleepiness, orthostatic hypotension). The pathological features involve neuronal loss in the brainstem leading…

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Essay On The Treatment of Parkinsons Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a neurological condition that affects the sufferer’s mobility and speech. It affects the central nervous system, leading to a person’s inability to control muscles throughout the body. It is a disease whose treatment does not intend to cure it but instead, aims at controlling its manifestation. There are various ways in which…

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Is Dolutegravir Safe for Use During Pregnancy

Is Dolutegravir safe for use during pregnancy? Introduction While avoidance of medications in pregnant women may be desirable, certain diseases and conditions such as HIV necessitate drug treatment during the gestational period. As women of reproductive age account for over half the 38 million people living with HIV worldwide [1], evaluating the safety of anti-retro…

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Aetiology and Treatment of Arthritis

Describe osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, and compare their aetiology and treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, systemic inflammatory disorder. It can affect many tissues and organs but mainly attacks the joints, producing an inflammatory reaction in the lining surfaces that often progresses to destruction of the articular cartilage and ankylosis. Unlike osteoarthritis, which seems to…

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Palliative Care and Quality of Life Essay

Palliative care is considered as a type of health care which focused on reducing the severity of disease symptoms and to relieve pain. In addition according to Florence Nightingale to use the word nursing as is very essentials of but unknown (McEwen & Wills, 2007). Palliative care is very important aspect for the patients and…

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Dietary and Physical Requirements for Children Under Five in Early Years Childcare

Investigation of dietary and physical requirements for children under age 5 in Early Year’s childcare setting. Summary Healthy eating and positive exercise attitude are crucial factors which are necessary for healthy growth and development of young children. Therefore, it is very important that healthy eating patterns are developed in children in a sensitive way from…

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