Use of ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses

INTRODUCTION Ethical dilemma is a condition where there may be opposite but equally morally lawful perspective to resolving a dilemma, it is also called moral dilemma (McDonald & Then, 2019, p. 25). This assignment aim is to reflection on an ethical dilemma which I encountered during my second year nursing placement as a student nurse…

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Reflective Assessment of Patient Care

Introduction Reflection within Healthcare, has been outlined as the active process of reviewing, analysing, and evaluating experiences and then interpreting or assessing them (Atkins and Murphy,1994). Reflection allows healthcare professionals to draw upon theoretical ideas or previous learning, in order to inform upcoming actions(Reid,1993). Reflective practice ensures that healthcare professionals are constantly learning and improving…

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Complaint of Chest Pain Case Study

Jon Teegardin When assessing the patient with chest pain, it is important to pay attention to all of the information available from the patient. Not all chest pain is related to cardiac issues, and not all incidents of myocardial infarction present with classic chest pain symptoms. There are many possible causes of chest pain. The…

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Reason For Aseptic Technique Is To Maintain Asepsis Nursing Essay

Reflection 2 – Aseptic Non-Touch Technique This reflective piece will be about a procedure that took place whilst on placement and will look at infection control whilst doing an aseptic non-touch technique (ANTT). Using Atkins and Murphy’s 1993 model of reflection (Rolfe, G et al 2001). I have used this model as it helped me…

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Gender Differences in Disease

Men are more susceptible than women for certain diseases. Discuss. How men and women behave and play their roles in their own culture is dictated by the norms and values based in that particular society, and this gives rise to gender differences. This means that there will also be consequently gender in-equalities, in other words…

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Ethical Dilemma In Healthcare Case Study

Dr Simons was the new Surgical Consultant at a large public hospital. He was trained in the USA, and came with a reputation for being very fierce. Dr Simons regularly yelled at other staff, in particular Nurses, if his requests were not immediately met. He justified that if “Chefs could yell at staff in a…

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The Relationship Between Stress and Illness

Although our organism adapts to stress responses, chronic (long-lasting) stress may lead to tissue damage and disease. Selye,(1950) identified 3 phases of stress, namely, alarm, resistance and exhaustion phase. The last phase appears, when the body is not able to cope with the stressor. That is a stage when the pathological symptoms, which threaten homeostasis…

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Hospital SWOT Analysis

Strengths Bridgeport hospital is one of the five hospitals apart of the Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS). Through collaborative efforts, this hospital takes pride in providing high quality patient-centered care with other networks who share the same goal (Bridgeport Hospital, 2019). The value/emphasis placed on teamwork is the first strength that supports the implementation…

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Schizophrenia: Treatment- Portrayal and Stigma

ABSTRACT MENTAL ILLNESS AS PORTRAYED IN THE MOVIE A BEAUTIFUL MIND Associated Signs and Symptoms of Schizophrenia The movie A Beautiful Mind is an adaptation of the book by the same name and is a biopic based on the life of Nobel Prize winning economist, John Forbes Nash, Jr. The movie portrays the symptoms and…

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Nursing Essays – Paranoid Schizophrenia

Analyse the care given the patient in your case study from biological, psychological and sociological perspectives. Mr X a 26 year old gentleman diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia; he lives at home with his family, episodes of unpredictable and violent and threatening behaviour directed at family. Newly diagnosed. Jack Dwight (not his real name), aged 26…

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