Reflective Account: Ethical Dilemma Treating Cancer

This reflective account will discuss an ethical dilemma which arose during a placement within a community setting. To assist the reflection process, the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle which encompasses 6 stages; description, thoughts and feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and action plan will be used which will improve and strengthen my nursing skills by continuously learning…

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Communication Reflection using the Atkins and Murphy Model

INTRODUCTION I will outline a personal experience, which identifies aspects of effective communication. I was a student nurse of about ten weeks on my first placement fourteen years ago. I was working on an acute medical ward when a patient I was looking after became unwell and clammy. I aim to explore my feelings about…

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Palliative Care Situation Reflection

Introduction Reflective practice enables nurses to critically review their actions through a process of thoughtful deliberation about past experiences, in order to learn from them (Tickle 1994; Atkins and Murphy 1995; Bailey 1995; Spalding 1998). Reflection is important since it provides opportunities for learning and continuing professional development (Hinchliff et al. 1993; Spalding 1998). Furthermore,…

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Ethical Concepts in the Provision of Nursing Care

The nursing process is more than a method that nurses use to diagnose and treat actual and potential health problems. The American Nurses Association (ANA) Standards of Nursing Practice provides a basis for practice and recognition of the patient; in addition, nurses also must adhere to the profession’s ethical code as well. “Nurses are committed…

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Flexibility And Stretching | Essay

Man’s interest in flexibility is by no means a modern development. The importance of flexibility and its practice is evident from Roman times in the training of Gladiators, and in more recent times World War I injuries spurred the study of orthopedics. Specifically, as injured soldiers returned from war many were compromised in basic daily…

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Is Schizophrenia Caused by Environmental Factors or Genetic Factors

Abstract Schizophrenia affects a quarter of a million people in the UK. Schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder which unmediated patients find difficulties to sustain relationships and can become unable to represent themselves appropriately, this can lead to difficulties with employment, cause hallucinations, delusions, loss of sense of pleasure, loss of concentration, unnecessary behaviour outside of…

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Complaint of Chest Pain Case Study

Jon Teegardin When assessing the patient with chest pain, it is important to pay attention to all of the information available from the patient. Not all chest pain is related to cardiac issues, and not all incidents of myocardial infarction present with classic chest pain symptoms. There are many possible causes of chest pain. The…

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Heart Condition Case Study

Samantha O’Shea Course: Healthcare Support Module: Human Growth and Development Introduction I got permission from Ned to do my assignment on him. Some of his information has been changed for confidentiality reasons. Ned is sixty and the oldest of nine children. Ned has heart condition which is hereditary in his family. His mother had an…

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Analysis of Stakeholder Needs and Interests

Analysis of Stakeholder Needs and Interests The stakeholders in the Town of Evergreen include parents, nurses, school administrators, health care providers, the public health department, the government, religious congregations, the Tourism Bureau, the business community, and elected representatives from Cedar and Fir County.  The new legislation to remove the exemption for firmly held religious beliefs…

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