Proposed Intervention to Decrease Obesity Rates

The intended purpose of this project is to decrease the rates of childhood obesity by decreasing BMI by 5-10% through education of dietary intake and increase physical activities. The intervention will use interviews, and an approach using Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Using these interventions will effectively show professionals in the healthcare arena current understanding of what…

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Intervention Strategies for Post Partum Depression

More than 1 in 10 women in the United Kingdom develop a mental illness during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth, according to research by the Centre for Mental Health and London School of Economics (Bauer et al, 2014). Alarmingly, the 2018 report of the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths (MBRRACE-UK, 2018)…

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Case study of care for an Elderly Alzheimers Patient

Age – 85yrs Sex – Female Diagnosis – Alzheimer disease The purpose of the presentation is to discuss and outline The potential impact of aging on the psychological health of an individual Defining dementia and distinguishing between the presentations of common dementia The legal and ethical issues surrounding people with dementia It should be noted…

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Pathophysiology Analysis of Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder that falls under the category of endocrine disorders. The thyroid gland is overactive and produces more thyroid hormones than the body needs. As a result, there is a myriad of symptoms that the patient will encounter. The symptoms can begin to affect a person’s life if not treated. Thankfully, the treatment…

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Experience of Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose in Pregnancy

Lived Experience of Self-monitoring of Blood Glucose among Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Abstract This phenomenological research aimed at describing lived experience of self-monitoring of blood glucose among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus. Thirty participants were approached and interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. Qualitative data were analyzed following Colaizzi’s method. The findings…

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MRI for Diagnosis of Mycetoma or Madura Foot

“Dot in Circle” sign — a unique attribute of mycetoma foot on MRI: a report of two cases Aggarwal A, Gupta M, Patel B N, Patel S B Abstract Mycetoma or Madura Foot is a chronic localized granulomatous disease characterized by exuberant granulomatous tissue formation involving the subcutaneous plane. It is most common in tropical…

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Study On Palliative Care And Quality Of Life Nursing Essay

Quality of life (QoL) is a frequently used term within society, yet there remains a lack of consensus as to its definition, with one review identifying three categories of QoL within the literature (Farquhar, 1995): global definitions (i.e. QoL is referred to in general terms, e.g. life satisfaction); component definitions (i.e. QoL is divided into…

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Global Health Issue Analysis: HIV/AIDS

GLOBAL HEALTH ISSUES Global issue is a broad description that is often used to explain matters of great social concern that affect human populations locally and that are shared among diverse human societies within our global community. Global issues koncern us all and one at the heart of many valuable learning experiences. Issues such as…

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The benefits of palliative care cancer/chronic ill patients

Introduction; Nursing care for ill patient as a holistic and encompasses all aspects of physical, psychological and social needs. Therefore, patients and their families are the center on nursing care by more respect, dignity. Nurses and the other care providers must provide patients needs when dealing with chronic ill patients. The benefits of palliative care…

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Prenatal Risk Factors and Helping a Healthy Pregnancy | Case Study

Women’s Clinic Scholarly Paper Introduction Pregnancy is a time of highs and lows, ups and down. But overall it is a period of great growth and development for the mother and the child. Throughout a pregnancy, a mother’s prenatal visits are very important. These are the visits that she looks forward to. She looks forward…

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