Effects of Obesity on Pregnancy

In 2015-2016, the CDC found 71.6% of the American adult population exceed healthy weight standards. More of the population was considered obese at 39.3% compared to 31.8% for the overweight population (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019b). Overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or greater and obesity as…

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Alcohol Consumption Interventions

To investigate how interventions may work we will look at the effects of alcohol consumption on individuals and populations, and draw attention to the search for policies that protect health, prevent health problems such as liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease and disability, and address the social problems associated with the misuse of alcohol consumption. What alcohol…

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Treatment of Alzheimers Disease Essay

ACE Alzheimer’s: An adjuvant strategy of treating Alzheimer’s disease with Vitamin A, C & E (ACE) ABSTRACT Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a chronic and slowly progressing neurodegenerative disorder which has become a major concern with regards to health, worldwide. This disorder is characterised by progressive dementia and cognitive decline. Pathologically, AD is characterised by the…

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The Pathogenesis Diagnosis And Treatment Of Leishmaniasis Health Essay

Leishmaniasis is a tropical, protozoan disease caused exclusively by intracellular parasites belonging to the genus Leishmania. Leishmaniasis is a worldwide problem and due to the various species of Leishmania, can manifest in humans as 3 main clinical forms: Cutaneous Leishmaniasis, Mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis, or Visceral Leishmaniasis. Consequently, the severity of the infection and symptoms differ from…

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Intervention Strategies for Post Partum Depression

More than 1 in 10 women in the United Kingdom develop a mental illness during pregnancy or in the first year after giving birth, according to research by the Centre for Mental Health and London School of Economics (Bauer et al, 2014). Alarmingly, the 2018 report of the Confidential Enquiries into Maternal Deaths (MBRRACE-UK, 2018)…

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HIV Prevalence in Uganda

Uganda (HIV/AIDS) Section 1: Between 2002-2011, the international non-profit NGO AVSI Foundation has supported Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MoH) prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) program in four Northern Ugandan districts: Kitgum, Lamwo, Pader, and Agago. The program “aimed to be comprehensive, emphasizing social and medical care and support” and was successful in reducing HIV…

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The benefits of palliative care cancer/chronic ill patients

Introduction; Nursing care for ill patient as a holistic and encompasses all aspects of physical, psychological and social needs. Therefore, patients and their families are the center on nursing care by more respect, dignity. Nurses and the other care providers must provide patients needs when dealing with chronic ill patients. The benefits of palliative care…

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Pathophysiology Analysis of Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder that falls under the category of endocrine disorders. The thyroid gland is overactive and produces more thyroid hormones than the body needs. As a result, there is a myriad of symptoms that the patient will encounter. The symptoms can begin to affect a person’s life if not treated. Thankfully, the treatment…

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Accelerated Diagnosis Pathway Vs Traditional Diagnosis Pathway for Chest Pain Management in Emergency Department

Accelerated Diagnosis Pathway Vs Traditional Diagnosis Pathway for Chest Pain Management in Emergency Department Having intense chest pain usually gets people to be admitted to the hospital quickly. However, research now suggests there should be reassessment of the guidelines currently used to evaluate likely severity of one’s pain conditions. According to the Australian Medical Journal,…

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Addressing Misconceptions of Alzheimers Disease

Introduction In my research paper I will be addressing the topic of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia related disorders. I chose this topic because it is dearest to me due to my father being diagnosed with this deliberating cognitive disorder at the age of 64, and it was in my intention to learn more about the…

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