Application of Groupwork Theory to Discharge Group

Identify an intervention with a service user or service users from your own practice. Discuss the theories for practice that informed the chosen intervention. Illustrate your answer with examples from your practice and evaluate the outcomes of the practice. Any names used have been anonymised and I have used pseudonyms throughout to ensure confidentiality. In…

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End-of-Life Care for Individuals with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness

This paper explores the intersection of individuals who struggle with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) and how palliative or end-of-life care is administered.  This exploration will also involve examining what impact this contextual intersection has on how decisions are made during end-of-life care and eligibility for medical assistance in dying (MAiD).  How much agency…

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Smoking during pregnancy

This essay discusses the public health issue of smoking during pregnancy in England. The purpose for selecting this public health issue will be described, utilising government statistics that highlight the extent of the problem. Current smoking cessation interventions in this population will be critiqued, with a focus on Motivational Interviewing (MI) and the acceptability and…

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Palliative Care and Quality of Life Assignment

Quality of life (QoL) is a frequently used term within society, yet there remains a lack of consensus as to its definition, with one review identifying three categories of QoL within the literature (Farquhar, 1995): global definitions (i.e. QoL is referred to in general terms, e.g. life satisfaction); component definitions (i.e. QoL is divided into…

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Insight to Assisting Patient with Multiple Sclerosis

This essay will look to explore, critique and interpret the existing literature relevant to Multiple Sclerosis within physiotherapy practice. The author will research pathophysiology, physiotherapy assessment, treatment and wider implications of living with a neurological disease. The major cause of neurological disability in young and middle ages adults is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) (Stokes & Stack,…

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Alcohol Consumption Interventions

To investigate how interventions may work we will look at the effects of alcohol consumption on individuals and populations, and draw attention to the search for policies that protect health, prevent health problems such as liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease and disability, and address the social problems associated with the misuse of alcohol consumption. What alcohol…

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Gastro-esophageal Reflux Disease: Diagnosis- Treatment and Management

What is GERD? GERD stands for gastro-esophageal reflux disease. It is also known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), gastric reflux disease, or acid reflux disease. It is common, but it’s a chronic disorder that effects the digestive system. Basically, it’s like acid reflux but is more serious and long-lasting. GERD occurs when stomach acid repeatedly…

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Dysphagia: Diagnosis- Management and Outcome Measures

‘Dysphagia’ is the medical term for a difficulty in swallowing, further described as any complication passing food or drink from the mouth to the stomach (Logemann, 1998). It occurs in three phases: the oral phase, the pharyngeal phase and the esophageal phase. Speech and language therapists (SLT) specialize in identifying, assessing and managing Feeding, Eating,…

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Pathophysiology Analysis of Hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder that falls under the category of endocrine disorders. The thyroid gland is overactive and produces more thyroid hormones than the body needs. As a result, there is a myriad of symptoms that the patient will encounter. The symptoms can begin to affect a person’s life if not treated. Thankfully, the treatment…

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