The Role of Heat Shock and Cold Shock Proteins in Hormesis

The Role of Heat Shock and Cold Shock Proteins in Hormesis ­­­ Life is full of good events as well as physically traumatic events. In addition to major accidents such as injuries, there are environmental conditions that can chronically threaten our well-being. Fortunately, the finely-tuned machine of the human body, along with every other living thing,…

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Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Management and Performance Management

SEVERE SEPSIS AND SEPTIC SHOCK: MANAGEMENT AND PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT Referring to the Medical Surgical Textbook by Brunner and Suddarth’s 14th Edition, “Sepsis is a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection” (Pg. 313). Sepsis may also be referred to as “blood poisoning.” It often leads to organ failure or injury. Sepsis…

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Management of Childhood Psoriasis with Acitretin

Abstract: Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the skin which can occur at any age-group. Psoriasis in childhood is not uncommon and has genetic susceptibility but usually an environmental trigger such as infection is thought to initiate the disease process. Childhood psoriasis has profound effects on both physical and psychosocial health of the patient….

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Aspects of jaundice in neonatal babies

This essay will explore the pathophysiology, management and psychosocial aspects of jaundice in the paediatric patient, specifically in neonatal babies. Information has been gathered through the use of history taking, examination, and analysing the patient’s medical records to form a case study in which the topics aforementioned will be considered in relation to the case…

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Psoriasis Types- Causes and Treatments

It’s a rainy and perfect day to step outside barefoot. Without thinking about it you run outside and start splashing in the puddles.  The last thing in your mind is the fact that the integumentary system is “protecting the body from harmful things in the outside world such as moisture, the cold and sun rays,…

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Hyperbilirubinemia Commonality- Physiology and Diagnosis

Hyperbilirubinemia Scholarly Paper Perinatal: Labour, Delivery and Newborn Care Hyperbilirubinemia or neonatal jaundice is a commonly occurring condition in newborns with varying severities and treatment options depending on the timing of the first onset of symptoms. The condition affects up to 60% of full-term newborns and can vary in severity, with differing symptoms and requires…

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Analysis of Grafting Techniques

Procedure: In this method a split-thickness skin graft is harvested from the donor site, either thigh or buttocks. It is then meshed either manually or in an Ampligreffe or any other suitable meshing apparatus.[40,41] Meshing of the graft causes an expansion in its size to 4 or 6 times its original one. The meshed graft…

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Equipment for Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic

A cosmetic dermatology clinic differs from the traditional dermatology clinic in terms of the requirement of a wide range of equipment to perform various aesthetic procedures. In the past, the only instrument associated with dermatology practice was a magnifying glass. It then progressed to equipment’s such as Woods lamp, electrocautery, radiofrequency, cryotherapy and phototherapy units….

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Overview of Different Psoriasis Types

Psoriasis This research paper is going to introduce the topic of psoriasis. Psoriasis is a disease that affects the skin. This condition causes rashes and scaly patches to form on the skin (© 1996-2019 National Psoriasis Foundation/USA). Knowing that Psoriasis affects the skin, it is labeled as a skin condition or disease. Psoriasis can also…

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