Study Of Symptom Management Strategies For Palliative Care Nursing Essay

This essay revolves around Claire, her symptoms, her ability to cope as well as her husband Andrew. More precisely, it will focus on strategies which can be employed for symptom management. Central to any form of management strategy for Claire is a holistic assessment of her circumstances followed by planning, implementation and evaluation. This can…

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Mental Health Nurse Role in Person Centred Care

Introduction The aim of this assignment is to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of a mental health nurse’s role in providing person centred care to service users and their holistic care needs. It will focus on how recovery orientated practices were utilised when working with individuals with long term mental health conditions, as well as…

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End Of Life Palliative Care

Designed to make sure the patient is comfortable and pain-free End of Life Palliative Care enables the patient to function through the end stages of a terminal illness. The process includes medication, alternate treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapies. Palliative Care is not only for pain control but also to assist the patient in…

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Nursing Care Plan for Elderly Woman with Shortness of Breath

Fortis College Nursing Care Plan Patient Demographics Student: _Brenda Davis_____ Clinical Site: __JVH_______ Date: ___08/06/2014_______________ Client Initials: __E.D.__ Age: __65_______ Weight: _75.7 kg Height: ___69________in. Primary Language:_English____ Religion: _LDS, active in church__ Culture: __Retired lives with daughter and son-on law, they are at the bedside off and on throughout the day____________________ Admitting Diagnosis: ___Pneumoia_________________________________________________________ Secondary…

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Cross-nations of Finland and United States Comparison Coping with Mental Illness

Introduction The burden of depression is rising, affecting both the working and social lives of individuals. Besides depression, many struggles with anxiety, substance abuse, mental disorders, and many other mental illnesses. The effects change individual’s productivity in the workplace and school in a positive and negative way.  The benefits of mental health services have significantly…

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End-of-Life Care for Individuals with Severe and Persistent Mental Illness

This paper explores the intersection of individuals who struggle with severe and persistent mental illness (SPMI) and how palliative or end-of-life care is administered.  This exploration will also involve examining what impact this contextual intersection has on how decisions are made during end-of-life care and eligibility for medical assistance in dying (MAiD).  How much agency…

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Assessment of Ureteroscopy During Pregnancy

INTRODUCTION Urolithiasis during pregnancy is an infrequent condition, with an incidence of 0.026 to 0.531 percent in the medical literature (1). Renal colic is the most common presentation of urolithiasis, as well as the most common nonobstetric cause of hospitalization during pregnancy and a predetermining factor of premature labor especially if accompanied by urinary tract…

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Alcohol Consumption Interventions

To investigate how interventions may work we will look at the effects of alcohol consumption on individuals and populations, and draw attention to the search for policies that protect health, prevent health problems such as liver cirrhosis, cardiovascular disease and disability, and address the social problems associated with the misuse of alcohol consumption. What alcohol…

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Effects of Obesity on Pregnancy

In 2015-2016, the CDC found 71.6% of the American adult population exceed healthy weight standards. More of the population was considered obese at 39.3% compared to 31.8% for the overweight population (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019b). Overweight is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or greater and obesity as…

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