The nature of health promotion work in midwifery

Health promotion is an essential part of a midwives responsibility; “the nature of health promotion work in midwifery is geared toward promoting the health of the mother and ensuring an optimum environment for mother and baby” (Dunkley, 2000:40). Breastfeeding can be a controversial topic. It can bring about mixed opinions and responses from mothers and…

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Cervical Cancer and The HPV Vaccine

The single rising vaccine preventable disease in global public health affecting women in this day and age is cervical cancer. Cervical cancer mostly results from an infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is the most prevalent reproductive tract infection. Over a 100 types of HPV exist, 13 of which are cancerous. 70 % of…

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Substance Abuse Among Adolescent Students

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood into adulthood, a period of physical, psychological and social maturation. This is a crucial period of life when an individual is no longer a child but not yet an adult. The term adolescent refers to individuals between 10-19 years of age (early…

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Postpartum Depression A Concept Analysis Health And Social Care Essay

Postpartum Depression is generally defined in the following context: “Specifier of nonpsychotic major depression that has its onset within 4 weeks after delivery” (Mehta and Sheth, 2006). In addition, the illness is often classified into the following categories: “Baby blues,” “nonpsychotic depression,” and “puerperal psychosis” (Mehta and Sheth, 2006). Therefore, the illness is complex in…

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Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults

Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults When working with children and vulnerable adults two of the most important considerations are the planning and supervision of their activities. To create a safe environment, both of these are significant factors in helping to protect them, and others from incidents and accidents. Any person under the age of 18…

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Cosmetic Dentistry Increase Tooth Whitening Health And Social Care Essay

Given the recent rise in cosmetic dentistry over the last few years, I plan to investigate one of the most common procedures, tooth whitening. In this report, I will; Try to discover why patients choose to have their teeth whitened and when vital tooth whitening is indicated (types of staining-extrinsic and intrinsic) Try and find…

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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Assessing Patient Centred Care Nursing Essay

This project is based on the nursing care provided to a patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), with specific focus on holistic assessment and identification of patient care needs. A patient profile will be provided, along with a description of COPD, including epidemiological data on incidence and prevalence and information on the causes and…

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Sepsis is the leading cause of death in non-cardiac intensive care

Twenty percent of all intensive care admissions are attributed to severe sepsis. Sepsis is the leading cause of death in non-cardiac intensive care units (Angus et al., 2001). The Surviving Sepsis Campaign provides evidence-based guidelines for the management of severe sepsis and septic shock. Key recommendations include early, within the first six hours of recognition,…

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Study On Comprehensive Mental Health Nursing Assessment

A written account of a comprehensive mental health nursing assessment and plan of care for a selected client who has multiple health problems. This account must critically reflect on communication with other agencies and evidence of working with the client and or family in a collaborative manner. Particular attention should be paid to national policies…

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