Prescription Drug Abuse and Addiction

Introduction: The studies that have been conducted to understand the concepts of drug abuse have had very misconception in narrowing down the concept of addiction. The main perceptions of the studies indicated that people had very unstable nature and lacked the will power to overcome addictions. It was posed as a moral flaw in the…

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Is Canada Losing the Opioid Battle

The opioid crisis has been waging a war against Canada’s healthcare system and its people. The use of opioids, including fentanyl, oxycodone, morphine and heroin, often used for pain relief, are attributed to be highly addictive and are lethal when misused (Canadian Institute for Health Information [CIHI], 2018). Consequently, these medications requiring prescriptions can be…

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Comparison of Hepatitis Types

There are 5 types of hepatitis virus being: A, B, C, D and E, Hepatitis A is caused by a virus called HAV. Which is transmitted by contact with contaminated water or food, mainly seafood and vegetables they also are transmitted through the faecal-oral route which is when the infected particles of the pathogen’s faeces…

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Saafeguarding in Health and Social Care

What is Safeguarding? (Introduction) This assignment will explain the definition of safeguarding, by showing clearly how safeguarding links to health and social care. It will use examples of legislation to explain safeguarding policies and procedures which are created that are used in health and social care environments, and it will illustrate how mistreatment of others…

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Development of Body Image Dissatisfaction and Post-Partum Depression in Women

A Historical and Cross-Cultural Analysis of the Development of Body Image Dissatisfaction and Post-Partum Depression in Women Pregnancy, childbirth, and beginning life with a new baby is often depicted as a magical time in a woman’s life: full of hope, new outfits, baby showers, and more.  Even some depictions that show a more realistic sleep…

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The nature of health promotion work in midwifery

Health promotion is an essential part of a midwives responsibility; “the nature of health promotion work in midwifery is geared toward promoting the health of the mother and ensuring an optimum environment for mother and baby” (Dunkley, 2000:40). Breastfeeding can be a controversial topic. It can bring about mixed opinions and responses from mothers and…

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Overview of Hyperlipidemia

Introduction Hyperlipidemia, involves higher lipids or lipoproteins in blood,is one of the most observed conditions related to cardiovascular system (Hassan, 2013). This small paper focuses on outlining the pathophysiology, signs and symptoms and organs involved in the Hyperlipidemia. Further, this paper also proposes diagnosis and alternative treatment protocols and their success rate for Hyperlipidemia. The…

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Cervical Cancer and The HPV Vaccine

The single rising vaccine preventable disease in global public health affecting women in this day and age is cervical cancer. Cervical cancer mostly results from an infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV). It is the most prevalent reproductive tract infection. Over a 100 types of HPV exist, 13 of which are cancerous. 70 % of…

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Substance Abuse Among Adolescent Students

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood into adulthood, a period of physical, psychological and social maturation. This is a crucial period of life when an individual is no longer a child but not yet an adult. The term adolescent refers to individuals between 10-19 years of age (early…

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Effect of HCV Infection on Liver: Case Study

Introduction (400-600 words): 538 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) was first identified in patients with transfusion-associated hepatitis in which Feinstone and team in 1975 found no relation to viral hepatitis type A or B and so classifying HCV as non-A, non-B hepatitis (Feinstone et al., 1975). HCV is a positive-sense single stranded RNA belonging to the…

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