Impact of Understaffing Nurses and Impacts on Patient Safety

Nurse staffing ratios and shorthanded staff in both day and night shifts effect not only nurse satisfaction but also has a big impact in patient experience, safety, and outcomes. Despite the amount of research supporting appropriate and safe nurse staffing it is still a big problem for hospitals to manage. This paper will explore the…

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Responses to Cancer: Behavioural- Emotional and Physical

Behavioural, Emotional, Physical and Cognitive Responses Cancer is a deadly disease cause by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells and as a group, accounts for more than 14% of all deaths each year (Ahmedin, et al., 2008) and once, the individual finds out about his diagnosis with this deadly disease, the individual is likely to experience…

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Cancer: its Risk Factors- Treatments and Diagnosis

Cancer is a disease in which irregular cells multiply uncontrollably and inhabit the surrounding tissues. These cells can metastasize to different parts of the body via bodily fluids such as the lymphatic system (NHS, 2014). Cancers are categorised based on the organ or cell from where they arose. As an example, cancer that develops in…

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Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on Root Canal Treatments

Research Topic: Effects of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) on Root Canal Treatments (RCT) conducted in the Griffith University Dental Clinics: A Clinical Audit. 1) Abstract: Amy Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic endocrine disease, that is multifactorial and affects immune function. Various literature has investigated whether DM can affect the treatment outcome of Root Canal…

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Safeguarding and Protection in Health and Social Care

Safeguarding is aimed at protecting vulnerable children or adults from abuse and neglect in all situations. Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the wellbeing of people of all ages and protect them from harm. It means to protect people from abuse and from getting mistreated and preventing harm to children’s health or…

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A Multidimensional Approach to Combating Chronic Pain and Opioid Crisis

A Multidimensional Approach to Combating Chronic Pain and Opioid Crisis Opioids are a class of drugs that involve masking pain as they work by blocking the signal that let the brain know that a painful stimulus was encountered. Opioid overuse and abuse in the United States is a public health crisis. Our country is facing…

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Family Support Programme for ICU Patient Relatives

Constantin Vintilescu From DNP Online Community Davidson, E., Daly, J., Brady, R. & Higgins, P. (2010). Facilitated Sensemaking A Feasibility Study for the Provision of a Family Support Program in the Intensive Care Unit. Critical Care Nurse Journal 33 (2) 177-189. Introduction / Purpose Evidence has shown that family members of Intensive Care Unit (ICU)…

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Benefits of Intentional Nurse Leader Rounding in the ICU

Benefits of Intentional Nurse Leader Rounding in the ICU Abstract Include a concise abstract of the document. Abstracts should be about 100-200 words in length. Consult the APA manual for some tips regarding the qualities of a good abstract. Pay close attention to grammar and spelling; papers with misspellings and typographical errors will be returned…

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Length of stay in pediatric intensive care unit

1.1 Scope of Review The following review of the past work done in the area of intensive care unit (ICU) length of stay is divided into two parts. The first part covers the studies done on the PICU length of stay while the second part delves into the literature of ICU length of stay. 1.2…

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Effects of Heroin on the Brain

Many people that start to substance use normally start in their adolescence years, and it progresses during their adulthood, but many do not continue during their middle adulthood due to the health risk that arises. Opioid, Alcohol, marijuana, tobacco, and prescription medications, are the most commonly misused substances among all ages. However, the use of…

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