Interventions to Prevent Fall – Research Results

Data Analysis and Findings Part 1 – Demographic Profile Table1. Age Distribution Age Range F % 26-30 3 30 31-35 3 30 36-40 1 10 41-45 0 0 46-50 2 20 51-55 1 10 Total n = 10 n = 100 Graph Interpretation Majority of the respondents were between 26-30 and 31-35 age groups. 20%…

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Research Critique of Qualitative Research on Registered Nurses

Critical evaluation of an identified qualitative research study All healthcare professionals are required to understand and promote evidence based practice , and therefore are required to identify and evaluate primary research which is relevant to their own areas of practice and professional activity (Rycroft-Malone et al, 2004 p. 81-82). Nurses can critique evidence for practice…

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Research into the Information Requirements of People Affected by Breast Cancer

Introduction This essay is about the evaluation of two research articles.  Throughout the essay the author will discuss and critically evaluate both articles following a self-adaptation of Cormack’s (2000) framework. This will include evaluation and comparison of research methods, sample selection processes, data collection methods and methods of data analysis, ethical considerations and future research…

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Knowledge and Perception of Cervical Cancer – Research

METHODOLOGY Study design and setting A cross-sectional study was conducted from May to June, 2015 among regular undergraduate female Debre Berhan University students. The university is found in Debre Berhan town which is 130 kilometer from Addis Ababa. The university has approximately 20,000 students pursuing regular and extension undergraduate and graduate studies. Of them 10,560…

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Research Methodology: Effect of Smoking Cessation Education on Smoking Cessation

Data Collection, Analysis, Evaluation, Dissemination of Results and Conclusion There are two types of research methods that can be used for an Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) project, qualitative and quantitative.  A quantitative research method is used when the researcher prefers to have numerical data as the basis of making an analysis which can be statistical.  A…

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Literature Review on Breast Cancer Research

Aashiyana Vadsariya Introduction Evaluation is a process of reviewing of any programme, project or policy, its design and results. The main objective of doing evaluation is to measure the effectiveness of the programme or policy, its impact and sustainability. Evaluation helps to solve the problem as well as to build the knowledge and it enhances…

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Literature Review of Reflexivity in Qualitative Studies

Every research study needs to be contextualised, understood within the background and context of its place within the theoretical and practice spectrum (Fink, 2005). Nursing research, as with every other aspect of nursing practice, should be ethically sound (Carrick, 2000), and should also be founded within sound methodological principles and developed along the lines of…

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Literature Review: Medical Research on Schizophrenia

Research is a way of developing a better understanding of a specific chosen area which can help improve further studies within the chosen subject. An interesting subject to research is a mental health condition known as schizophrenia and how it affects people within modern society. This specific mental health topic was chosen due to personal…

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Occlusal Stent Construction Case Study

Initial examination was carried out consisting of evaluation the periodontal condition of the teeth. After selecting the suitable patients for the study, all of them received supra gingival scaling and polishing with a good motivation and instruction in oral hygiene measures including brushing, using dental floss and interproximal brushes as indicated and demonstration was given…

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Research Essay On Suicide In The Elderly

A CRITICAL COMPARISON OF TWO RESEARCH APPROACHES TO SUICIDALITY IN THE ELDERLY: the qualitative and quantitative paradigms Introduction: Suicide may be considered a common and devastating emergency in the general practice of mental health. It is a phenomenon that is generally complex and inherently difficult to predict. Suicidality, which is the spectrum of psychological activities…

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