Use of Honey as Medicine in Wound Healing: Analysis

The aim of the assignment is to critique the research article, “Standardised antibacterial honey (medihoney) with standard therapy in wound care: randomized clinical trial” (2009) by Robson, Dodd & Thomas. The tool used for this is Step by Step Guide to Critiquing Research by Ryan, Coughlan; Cronin (2007). Critique is an objective, critical, and balanced…

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Issue of Smoking during Pregnancy

Smoking during Pregnancy Smoking is a significant issue with numerous diseases attached to the habit in today’s society. Even nonsmokers experience health issues as a result of the inhalation of smoke from smokers. The nonsmokers are called passive smokers. It has been confirmed medically that both passive smokers and active smokers are subjected to equal…

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Effect of Diet on Colorectal Cancer

CHAPTER – 1 1.1 Introduction Colorectal cancer is considered to be a major cause of cancer morbidity and mortality. It accounts for over 9% of all cancer incidences; this makes it the third most common cancer cause with nearly 1.4 million new cases diagnosed in a year ( WCRF, 2012 ) and the fourth most…

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Are E-cigarettes Better Than Cigarettes

E-cigarettes are better than cigarettes in general but not a safe alternative. This paper will show the dangerous chemicals in e-cigarettes, the potential of e-cigarettes, and the negative effects on using e-cigarettes. For people who try to quit smoking, and for those who are not addicted to nicotine, e-cigarettes are not the safer option. There…

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Financial Pressures and Patient Safety Essay

The financial pressures on hospitals are continually increasing due to ever-changing reimbursement structures and a heightened focus on quality and value. However, despite these pressures, the association between patient safety performance and financial outcomes remains unclear. Brad Beauvais, Jason P. Richter, and Forest S. Kim’s research, reported in the journal article entitled “Doing well by…

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Case study of patient care in radiography

This investigation will consider the needs of a 24-year-old female patient who has been referred for an abdominal X-ray. The patient arrived from the emergency department on a trolley with suspected perforation. She appears to be in a lot of pain, is on oxygen and has been vomiting. She speaks Bengali with little English. She…

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Neurobiological Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on At-Risk

Neurobiological Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury on At-Risk Populations Throughout adolescence, the brain is not fully formed. The growth occurs in Executive Functioning. Executive functioning is your ability to plan, organize, and to defer instant gratification. It’s like the “air traffic control center of the brain” (Executive Function & Self-Regulation, 2015, p. 1. It helps…

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Health Promotion Case Study of Patient with Coronary Heart Disease

Introduction Throughout this assignment I have chosen to discuss a patient I have previously cared for during my placement on a cardiology ward. The patient which I will be writing about was diagnosed with coronary heart disease whilst admitted to the ward.  Coronary heart disease is defined by the NHS website as a condition where…

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Unfractionated Heparin Dosing in Obesity for Thromboprophylaxis: A Literature Review

It has been well established that venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk is higher in patients with obesity and that standard thromboprophylaxis doses are possibly subtherapeutic.1 Guidelines on VTE prophylaxis state further research is needed on weight based dose adjustments in extreme body weights and offer no recommendations as of yet for the best dosing strategy.  Weight…

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Screening Initiative for the Prevention of Diabetes

Diabetic Initiative A significant diabetic disparity exist for racial and ethnic minorities in the United States. Since minorites bear a disproportionate burden of the diabetes epidemic, they have higher prevalence rates, worse diabetes control, and higher rates of complications (Spanakis & Golden, 2013). Diabetes is also a public health burden globally. The estimated mortality from…

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