Pediatric Trauma Scoring System in Predicting Mortality

PEDIATRIC TRAUMA SCORE AS PREDICTOR OF OUTCOME OF PATIENTS ADMITTED TO CENTRALIZED SURGICAL INTENSIVE CARE UNIT IN A GOVERNMENT TERTIARY HOSPITAL: A RETROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY I. Justification of the Study Intensive trauma care of pediatric patients is faced with many issues such as quality of care, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Scoring systems such as the Pediatric…

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Components of Kangaroo Mother Care

The literature search has been divided in different categories to present the effects of kangaroo mother care (KMC). After stating the organization of the paper the first section will provide the definition, history, and components of KMC. The second section will describe the Universe of Developmental Care Model and its components. The next section will…

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Breastfeeding: Advantages and Disadvantages

This essay is potentially vast in its scope as the advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding can vary enormously depending on which authority one chooses to consult. (1) We shall therefore take an overview and present the generally accepted arguments in this area. There is a substantial evidence base for the benefits of breastfeeding for not…

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Hypothermia In Elderly Patients: Characteristics And Prognosis

Study objectives: To assess the characteristics of patients admitted for hypothermia, and to identify the risk factors for in-patient mortality. Methods: All patients aged 60 or above admitted from of 1st January, 2005 to 31st December, 2008 were included. Records were retrieved and analysed retrospectively. Hypothermia was defined as either one measurement of core body…

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Preventing Patient Safety Dilemma of Falls

Let the Bodies Hit the Floor: A Patient Safety Dilemma The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality describes a fall as an unplanned descent to the floor that may or may not result in an injury to the patient (AHRQ, 2019).  The facility where I am currently employed has had a recent safety issue because…

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A Traumatic Brain Injury Health And Social Care Essay

The Brain Injury Association of America defines a traumatic brain injury as an insult to the brain, not of degenerative or congenital nature, caused by an external physical force that may produce a diminished or altered state of consciousness, which results in an impairment of cognitive abilities or physical functioning. It can also result in…

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Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): History and Integration

SNAP: Hunger in America Introduction In 1951, the first food stamp bill was introduced to the United States. From there on out, food assistance programs in the United States have served hundreds of millions of people to date. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) started in the 1970s and groups of doctors have proven that…

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Spinal Cord Trauma Essay

Abstract Loss of sensory and motor function below the injury site is caused by trauma to the spinal cord. Approximately 10,000 people experience serious spinal cord injury each year. There are four general types of spinal cord injury, cord maceration and laceration, contusion and solid core injury. There are three phases of SCI response that…

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Atraumatic Restorative Treatment for Dental Caries

Atraumatic restorative treatment for the management of dental caries: A Review Abstract: Atraumatic restorative treatment is a method of minimal caries intervention that uses only hand instruments. Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the number of studies reporting on various aspects of the Atraumatic Restorative Treatment and it is over…

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Motivation interviewing: Smoking cessation

Despite the smoking ban making it illegal to smoke in enclosed public places, introduced in England in 2007, smoking remains one of the single greatest causes of preventable illness and premature death in the UK. (1) There has been a reduction in rates of smoking, but a challenge remains in targeting high risk, hard to…

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