Nutrition and Genetics in Colorectal Cancer

BACKGROUND Historically colorectal cancer (CRC) is diagnosed very often among men and women in the United States. Many studies have investigated the role of gene-diet interactions in the developing process of colorectal cancer (Kantor and Giovanucci, 2016). It is necessary here to clarify exactly what is meant by saying the word diet. Diet is defined…

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Healthcare Internship Reflection | Cancer Center

Crystal Mullen Last month I received the privilege of being hired to work as a secretary for The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. As the name implies their sole focus and overall market involves finding cures and treatments for cancer. In fact they operate on a very aggressive mission to…

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Case Study of Palliative Care for Bowel Cancer

Mrs Cheng has a 2 years history of bowel cancer recently being complicated by liver metastases. Doctors had given her a prognosis of about one month left to live. She is admitted to the medical ward for palliative care. Social Mrs Cheng is the sole survivor of the Boxing Day Tsunami in her family. She…

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Patient Case Study: Mandibular Tumour

This presentation is focused on Mr Brown, a 72-year-old adult male patient who was admitted in an East of England hospital. He was diagnosed with mandibular tumour which is a type of oral cancer. Pseudonyms have been used and settings changed to maintain patient confidentiality in line with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2018). The…

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A Systematic Review of Thyroid Cancer After the Chernobyl Accident

ABSTRACT Background: Following the immediate fallout of the Chernobyl nuclear accident, many epidemiologic studies were conducted to ascertain the effects of ionizing radiation on cancer incidence and prevalence. The aim of this study was to understand the long-standing trends that can be attributed to the disaster through extended epidemiologic studies that assess thyroid cancer within…

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Uterine Cancer (UC): Disease Process- Risk Factors and Treatments

Abstract Uterine Cancer (UC) is the most common cancer in women in the United States. Both new cases and death increase yearly. In a normal uterus, the endometrium, or lining, thickens every month unless the woman is pregnant or postmenopausal. If an egg is not fertilized, the lining is shed in the form of menstruation….

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Health Issues in New Zealand: Cancer- Suicide and Cardiovascular Disease

TASK-1.1/1.2 Identify three health issues in New Zealand 1. Cancer 2. Suicide 3. Cardiovascular disease Cancer Cancer is a group of disease involving abnormal cell growth. Many people are affected by cancer because the population is becoming older. Most cancer can be cured if they have got treatment in time. Many people are living longer…

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Brain Cancer: Causes- Effects and Treatment Options

The medical diagnosis that will be discussed in this assessment is brain cancer, inclusive to all types of brain tumors and ones that also affect the central nervous system (CNS), that stem from the brain.  Brain cancer and brain tumors will be used interchangeably as well.  The presenting features or symptoms of brain cancer present…

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