Psychological Skills Training to Support Diabetes Self-management | Article Critique

Prepare a critique of one research paper selected from your programme pathway. Graves, H., Garrett, C., Amiel, S. A., Ismail, K. and Winkley, K. (2016) ‘Psychological skills training to support diabetes self-management: qualitative assessment of nurses’ experiences’, Primary Care Diabetes, vol. 10, no. 5, pp. 376–82. Research plays a vital role in nursing practice and…

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Exercise versus Dietary Modifications in Type II Diabetes Management

Abstract Diabetes management is being further studied as the prevalence of the disease keeps increasing.  To achieve better management of diabetes, research is conducted to ensure the most up to date information.  With diabetes, there are many factors that influence hemoglobin A1C levels.  These factors, according to the American Diabetes Association, include interventions such as…

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Spinal Cord Trauma Essay

Abstract Loss of sensory and motor function below the injury site is caused by trauma to the spinal cord. Approximately 10,000 people experience serious spinal cord injury each year. There are four general types of spinal cord injury, cord maceration and laceration, contusion and solid core injury. There are three phases of SCI response that…

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Effect of Nutritional Deficiencies Occurring During Pregnancy

The type of nutrition that a mother gets during pregnancy, both qualitatively and quantitatively, can be the deciding factor in a child’s well-being. A study1 showed that there was a small (70 g) but significant increase in birthweight among infants of mothers receiving multiple micronutrients as compared with infants of mothers receiving iron-folic acid supplements…

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Benefits of Quitting Smoking

Group name : Anca Manaf, Asmita Ghale, Comfort Kumi, Hannah Cotton, Ma-Myo Thuzar. Introduction This essay attempts to discuss the health promotion activity on the benefit of quitting smoking. The assessment of health need, epidemiology, demography, current national or local health policies, identification of target group, approaches chosen will be discussed. Ultimately, this essay will…

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Ethical Decision Making in Smoking Cessation

According to University of California, School of Medicine (2010), Autonomy is the “personal rule of the self that is free from both controlling interferences by others and from personal limitations that prevent meaningful choice.”  Although Mrs. Cheng is a cancer patient with only one month to live, nowhere is mentioned that she could be of…

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Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on Root Canal Treatments

Research Topic: Effects of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) on Root Canal Treatments (RCT) conducted in the Griffith University Dental Clinics: A Clinical Audit. 1) Abstract: Amy Introduction: Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic endocrine disease, that is multifactorial and affects immune function. Various literature has investigated whether DM can affect the treatment outcome of Root Canal…

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Chronic Disease Health Promotion and Maintenance/for Adults Aged 35–65

Chronic Disease Health Promotion and Maintenance/for adults age 35–65 Introduction Chronic diseases, in addition to the negative impact on an individual quality of life can have some serious economic implications for both the patient and the population. Diabetes is one of the chronic health conditions that can have serious health complications when not managed properly….

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Breastfeeding: Advantages and Disadvantages

This essay is potentially vast in its scope as the advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding can vary enormously depending on which authority one chooses to consult. (1) We shall therefore take an overview and present the generally accepted arguments in this area. There is a substantial evidence base for the benefits of breastfeeding for not…

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