Early Intervention in Youth Suicide Prevention and Community Engagement

EARLY INTERVENTION IN YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Suicide has a devastating and far-reaching impact on families, friends and communities. The stigma, poor surveillance and the fact it’s considered a criminal offence in some countries means that many people are not able to get help. These facts and the lack of timely interventions make…

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Investigation of Initiatives to Provide Mental Health Care for Veterans

In consideration of the known gaps in access to mental health care for veterans, there have been many initiatives that have been put in place to address and bridge these gaps. One initiative in particular is called Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation (HEAL), which helps by connecting veterans to case-managers provided by the private veterans’…

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Significance of Assessment in Adult Nursing

The following essay will highlight the significance of assessment in the field of adult nursing. It will bring out issues on when and to what degree it is carried out working on examples and structures as part of caring for patients. Through complete assessment, good communication, and the ongoing collection of objective and subjective data,…

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The Importance of Homeostasis in Development on Hyperthyroidism

A female patient, 37 years old, came into clinic complaining mainly of difficulty sleeping, fatigue, frequent bowel movements and heart palpitations. As a physician, I needed to know more about the symptoms and signs the patient was experiencing in order to understand this syndrome. From what she expressed, there could be a myriad of syndromes….

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Ethical Principles in Healthcare

Introduction The Department of Health (DoH) (2003) highlighted the importance for all professions currently regulated by the Health Professions Council to demonstrate competence through continuing professional development (CPD). CPD is a systematic, ongoing, structured process that encourages the development and maintenance of knowledge, skills and competency that assists us in becoming better practitioners (Chartered Society…

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Effect of Chlorhexidine Bathing on SSIs and HAIs

A Limited Integrated Literature Review Abstract Patient safety and infection control are two aspects in healthcare that are compromised when a surgical site infection or a hospital acquired infection occurs in healthcare. This literature review compares the impact of chlorhexidine gluconate bathing versus soap and water bathing on surgical site infections or hospital acquired infections…

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The Background And Significance Of MRSA Infection

Infection disease acquired in hospitals have changed during the past decades, Gram-negative pathogens were predominantly responsible. However serious infections were brought under control with the discovery of penicillin, but as resistance to antibiotics spread new and dangerous superbug strains emerged. The main infective threat on the increase in micro-organisms that is resistant to many antibiotics…

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Approaches to Palliative Care

Palliative approach refers to the provision of a holistic care for patients who are no longer responsive to curative treatment and dying. The approach provides primary care services to improve the quality of life of the dying patients through addressing pain and other distressing symptoms and integrating physical, psychosocial and spiritual care to ensure a…

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The Effect of Different Antibiotics on Bacteria

Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria. Bacteria can cause infections such as strep throat, ear infections, urinary tract infections, and sinus infections (sinusitis). There are many types of antibiotics. Each works a little differently and acts on different types of bacteria. Don’t antibiotics cure everything? Antibiotics are powerful medicines, but they cannot cure everything. Antibiotics…

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Mental Health Action Plan: Prevention of Suicide in University Students in UK

Background This action plan is going to demonstrate some strategies and new implementation for prevention of suicide ration in university and college student in England, for its coming brief paper assist and outlines. Suicide word came from Latin word “suicidium” that defines as “to kill oneself”. Suicide word means to act intentionally taking own’s life….

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