Impact of Mental Health on Nursing Care

The purpose of this paper is to explore mental health and mental illness, considering the relevance of these terms to nursing in general healthcare.  To begin, the terms mental health and mental illness will be discussed considering their referencing in the media and the impact on mental health stigma; and the prevalence on mental illness…

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Reducing the risk or development of HAIs of Critical Care ICU patients

Abstract Clinical Problem: Patient’s admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are critically compromised and have higher risk of Healthcare Associate Infections (HAIs).  HAIs can affect length of stay (LOS), increase rate of mortality and directly affect patient outcome. Objective: This paper will discuss if routine bathing with chlorhexidine-based products in Critical Care ICU patients will…

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Influence of Community Treatment Order (CTO) for Mental Health Individuals

In this commentary, a critical analysis and evaluation of the influence of Community Treatment Order (CTO) as a policy and legislation on individuals with mental health is demonstrated. In accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC, 2018) code of confidentiality, the name of my patient has been pseudonymised, hence the name Mr Edward Band…

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Critical Evaluation of Adverse Events in the Acute Environment

The aim of this essay is the critical evaluation of adverse events in the acute environment. Adverse event (AE) can be defined as an unattended and harmful effect which is caused by healthcare management that has or may cause harm to patient/s and result in prolonged hospital stay, disability or death (Wyeth, 2014). AE impose…

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The Background And Significance Of MRSA Infection

Infection disease acquired in hospitals have changed during the past decades, Gram-negative pathogens were predominantly responsible. However serious infections were brought under control with the discovery of penicillin, but as resistance to antibiotics spread new and dangerous superbug strains emerged. The main infective threat on the increase in micro-organisms that is resistant to many antibiotics…

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Critical Thinking About Health And Medicine Nursing Essay

As defined by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul (1987), critical thinking is intellectual disciplined process of applying skills, concepts, analyzing, synthesizing , evaluation of information got by, observation, reasoning, experience, reflection, as a guidance towards an action. Edward Glaser (1941) defined critical thinking as an attitude of thinking towards solving problems that comes within the…

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Contrast Of Roy And Orems Nursing Theory Nursing Essay

Nursing is an evolving discipline in the development of science i.e. theory and research and in professional practice. We have a rich history of thought from Florence Nightingale to the recent nurse researchers, theorists and clinicians. Moreover, nursing professional practice includes integration of knowledge from the broad conceptualizations of models to the level of practice…

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Approaches to Palliative Care

Palliative approach refers to the provision of a holistic care for patients who are no longer responsive to curative treatment and dying. The approach provides primary care services to improve the quality of life of the dying patients through addressing pain and other distressing symptoms and integrating physical, psychosocial and spiritual care to ensure a…

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The Effect of Different Antibiotics on Bacteria

Antibiotics are medicines that kill bacteria. Bacteria can cause infections such as strep throat, ear infections, urinary tract infections, and sinus infections (sinusitis). There are many types of antibiotics. Each works a little differently and acts on different types of bacteria. Don’t antibiotics cure everything? Antibiotics are powerful medicines, but they cannot cure everything. Antibiotics…

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Mental Health Action Plan: Prevention of Suicide in University Students in UK

Background This action plan is going to demonstrate some strategies and new implementation for prevention of suicide ration in university and college student in England, for its coming brief paper assist and outlines. Suicide word came from Latin word “suicidium” that defines as “to kill oneself”. Suicide word means to act intentionally taking own’s life….

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