Effects of Biofeedback on Mental and Physical Health

Evaluate two quantitative articles on biofeedback research Biofeedback was a technique developed in the 1960s to teach the individuals who utilize it, methods to control their body purposes, such as the individual heart rate (Bauer, Hagen & Millman, 2013; Ratanasiripong, Kaewboonchoo, Ratanasiripong, Hanklang & Chumchai, 2015). Biofeedback is a mind-body process of self-regulation that is…

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Patient Case Studies for Accurate Nursing Assessments

Jon Teegardin Performing accurate nursing assessments on patients establishes a baseline of information regarding a patient’s complaint and history of present illness. The patients represented in this paper are not real, instead they are created to allow for examples of basic nursing assessments. This paper will assess two patients, one with chronic lower back pain…

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Genogram and Ecomap for Family Nursing Assessment

Introduction A genogram depicts inter-generational family maps to provide a picture of what is occurring across families and across generations, providing a broad framework with which to view family, emotional and social relationships. (Keneddy.V.2010). Whereas in the ecomap, systems with which the family has no contact may also be included, if the family needs to…

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Effect of Massages During Pregnancy

Nikita S. Windham Pregnancy and Massage Research has discovered new information that maybe something can be done to help make pregnancy more tolerable that is not only safe but also effective. This solution is known as prenatal massage. Prenatal massage simply put is massage that is personalized specifically to the ever-changing bodies of pregnant women….

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Reflection On A Mentorship Role In Medicine

During this reflective piece of work I will discuss my role, responsibility and accountability as the students assessor and reflect on approaches that I have used within the mentorship role to support and facilitate the student to achieve specified learning outcomes. The ultimate goal of mentorship is for one individual to contribute to the professional…

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Case Study: Health History Assessment

Introduction According to (D’Amico, 2011), health assessment to be a patient means the systematic way of collecting client’s data, with an aim of determining his/her current health status, the health risk they may be exposed to, and identifying the health practice activities to be done to improve the patient’s health status. It can also refer…

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The Background And Significance Of MRSA Infection

Infection disease acquired in hospitals have changed during the past decades, Gram-negative pathogens were predominantly responsible. However serious infections were brought under control with the discovery of penicillin, but as resistance to antibiotics spread new and dangerous superbug strains emerged. The main infective threat on the increase in micro-organisms that is resistant to many antibiotics…

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Healthy Eating and Exercise for Pregnant Women

Introduction It is undeniable that pregnancy is one of the toughest periods women go through in their lives. Pregnancy is characterized by hormonal imbalances, which not only affects the moods of women also their appetite and cravings. It also affects the way women live, what they do, and how they do it. However, as Wolfe…

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Physical Examinations for Assessment | Case Studies

Jon Teegardin A thorough assessment of a patients head, eyes, ears, neck, and throat can reveal a wealth of objective information that is useful in developing nursing diagnoses. Careful attention to the patient’s subjective information and objective information obtained during the assessment will contribute to positive outcomes. This paper will address two presentations, a pediatric…

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Placement at a mental health rehabilitation centre

The purpose of this write up is to explore and analyse how learning theories informed knowledge development and competence in promoting health and psycho education in clinical settings. I will examine the principles underpinning the facilitation of learning and assessment. I will demonstrate my knowledge and understanding of the theoretical concepts in an episode in…

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