Recovery-Oriented Practice in Mental Health

Recovery-Oriented Practice in Mental Health What is the difference between ‘clinical recovery’ and ‘personal recovery’ for people with lived experience of mental illness? In a simple word” Recovery is pretty much getting back to normal “Clinical recovery is an idea which involves mental health medical team such as mental health nurses, doctors, psychologist and social…

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Effect of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome on Mental Health

P.C.O.S. & Mental Health: Literature Review Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give a brief overview of the current literature and research available on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and its effects on mental health. While largely overlooked and under-researched, mood disturbance, depression, and anxiety are common among women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Mental…

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Early Intervention in Youth Suicide Prevention and Community Engagement

EARLY INTERVENTION IN YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Suicide has a devastating and far-reaching impact on families, friends and communities. The stigma, poor surveillance and the fact it’s considered a criminal offence in some countries means that many people are not able to get help. These facts and the lack of timely interventions make…

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Investigation of Initiatives to Provide Mental Health Care for Veterans

In consideration of the known gaps in access to mental health care for veterans, there have been many initiatives that have been put in place to address and bridge these gaps. One initiative in particular is called Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation (HEAL), which helps by connecting veterans to case-managers provided by the private veterans’…

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Issue of Rising Suicide Rates in the US

Suicide is a major public health concern in the United States (US). In fact, the US may be facing a suicide crisis. Research has shown suicides in the US are at the highest they have been in the last 50 years, with over a 30% increase in suicides over the last 18 years (CDC, 2018)….

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Significance of Assessment in Adult Nursing

The following essay will highlight the significance of assessment in the field of adult nursing. It will bring out issues on when and to what degree it is carried out working on examples and structures as part of caring for patients. Through complete assessment, good communication, and the ongoing collection of objective and subjective data,…

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Factors Impacting On The Effectiveness Of Palliative Care

Palliative care can vary significantly in its effectiveness according to condition, location, and type of patient (WHO, 2011; Gomes et al., 2013). This has long been recognised as an issue: Higginson et al. (2003) suggested that it has been difficult to prove the effectiveness of palliative care given the broad range of providers and the…

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ABCDE Structure Assessment of Patient with Cystic Fibrosis

The ABCDE structured assessment will be discussed throughout this essay. The ABCDE approach is a tool which Healthcare Professionals use to assess a deteriorating patient quickly and effectively. The structured assessment allows Healthcare Professionals to identify and respond to life threatening situations in a priority order of what is most at risk (Thim et al.,…

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Treatments For HIV/AIDS

Treatments For HIV/AIDS Among Different Types Of Population HIV is the disease that had been link to human and it is also known as the disease of the century. According to, the first case of HIV in human was found in 1959 form a man in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Evidences shown that…

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Impact of obesity on womens health during pregnancy

Obesity is a clinical term used to describe excess body fat. The most common method of measuring obesity is the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is used because, for most people, it correlates with their amount of body fat. It is calculated by dividing a person’s weight measurement (in kilograms) by the square of their…

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