Private Hospitals for Undergraduate Medical Training

Private Hospitals for undergraduate medical training – an untapped resource in Ireland. Introduction Undergraduate medical education and training is a subject of considerable importance in relation to the quality of learning and teaching opportunities for students, and the ability of the learning environments to support the development of clinical skills and knowledge, professional practice and…

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Imperforate Hymen: A Case of Pediatric Acute Urinary Retention

Imperforate Hymen: A Case of Pediatric Acute Urinary Retention Ricardo González in Handbook Of Urological Diseases In Children defines Acute Retention as “… the inability to void occurring in a patient who was until then voiding normally. Chronic retention is the chronic inability to empty the bladder completely. The patient may simple void incompletely in…

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Effect of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome on Mental Health

P.C.O.S. & Mental Health: Literature Review Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give a brief overview of the current literature and research available on Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and its effects on mental health. While largely overlooked and under-researched, mood disturbance, depression, and anxiety are common among women suffering from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Mental…

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Early Intervention in Youth Suicide Prevention and Community Engagement

EARLY INTERVENTION IN YOUTH SUICIDE PREVENTION AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Suicide has a devastating and far-reaching impact on families, friends and communities. The stigma, poor surveillance and the fact it’s considered a criminal offence in some countries means that many people are not able to get help. These facts and the lack of timely interventions make…

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Investigation of Initiatives to Provide Mental Health Care for Veterans

In consideration of the known gaps in access to mental health care for veterans, there have been many initiatives that have been put in place to address and bridge these gaps. One initiative in particular is called Healthcare, Evaluation, Advocacy, and Legislation (HEAL), which helps by connecting veterans to case-managers provided by the private veterans’…

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Ethical Principles in Healthcare

Introduction The Department of Health (DoH) (2003) highlighted the importance for all professions currently regulated by the Health Professions Council to demonstrate competence through continuing professional development (CPD). CPD is a systematic, ongoing, structured process that encourages the development and maintenance of knowledge, skills and competency that assists us in becoming better practitioners (Chartered Society…

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Significance of Assessment in Adult Nursing

The following essay will highlight the significance of assessment in the field of adult nursing. It will bring out issues on when and to what degree it is carried out working on examples and structures as part of caring for patients. Through complete assessment, good communication, and the ongoing collection of objective and subjective data,…

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Impacts of Cancer on Mental Health

Introduction Nursing is not only a field many prospective students choose and love, but it is also a field that is considered to have a downside to it. As any health care professional may know, becoming apart of the healthcare field produces a lot of stress and effects to your mental health. There are two…

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Roys Adaptation Model in Nursing

Effective nursing practice is built upon a solid foundation of knowledge, skills and compassion as well as maintaining the ability to care for patients and their families in an efficient, effective and helpful way. Nursing care is rooted in research and theories that are applied into practice in order to provide the best patient care…

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Issue of Rising Suicide Rates in the US

Suicide is a major public health concern in the United States (US). In fact, the US may be facing a suicide crisis. Research has shown suicides in the US are at the highest they have been in the last 50 years, with over a 30% increase in suicides over the last 18 years (CDC, 2018)….

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